Recurso Gender and Education during COVID-19 This webinar focused on addressing gender equity in education in emergencies during COVID-19. EiE actors will highlight the challenges faced by women and girls, men and boys during the pandemic and provided practical recommendations and examples of gender-responsive support. Panelists applied a gender lens to distance learning and social and emotional learning (SEL).
Recurso What are the lessons learned from supporting education for marginalised girls that could be relevant for EdTech responses to COVID-19 in lower- and middle-income countries? This report provides a rapid evidence summary of the impact of school closures on marginalised girls and presents strategies which involve elements of education technology to mitigate these negative impacts.
Recurso Keeping in contact with girls: COVID-19 Communication and Safeguarding Guidance This guidance outlines ways that Girls' Education Challenge projects should engage in communication methods from a safeguarding perspective.
Recurso Disability and COVID-19: Guidance note for projects COVID-19 raises the potential for an increase in stigma, discrimination and rights violations against girls with disabilities in the countries in which the GEC operates – remember that existing barriers will still be there.
Evento Gender and Education during COVID-19 The eighth webinar of the series will focus on addressing gender equity in education in emergencies during COVID-19.
Recurso Identifying & Mitigating Gender-based Violence Risks within the COVID-19 Response This tipsheet identifies key, sector-specific GBV risks that we believe are likely to occur and/or be exacerbated during the Covid-19 response, along with recommendations on how to mitigate these risks.
Recurso Girls' Education and COVID-19: What past shocks can teach us about mitigating the impact of pandemics This report uses insights from the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic and the 2008 global financial crisis to understand the short- and long-term consequences of COVID-19 for girls.
Recurso ضمان كون خطط االستجابة لفيروس كورونا )كوفيد-19 )بقيادة المجتمع المحلي وتراعي الفوارق بين الجنسين وتلبي احتياجات كل الناس، بمن فيهم األكثر احتياجا تثمن مؤسسة CARE الجهود المبذولة من الحكومات ونظام األمم المتحدة للحد من التبعات اإلنسانية والصحية واالجتماعية-االقتصادية لجائحة كوفيد-19 غير المسبوقة التي تؤثر على األفراد والمجتمعات والحكومات في جميع أنحاء العالم.
Recurso Ensuring a Covid-19 local-led and gendered response that meets the needs of all people, including those most left behind CARE recognises the efforts of governments and the United Nations (UN) system to minimise the human, health and socio-economic consequences of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic that is impacting individuals, communities and governments across the globe.
Recurso Garantizar una respuesta al Covid-19 que sea liderada por actores locales y basada en un enfoque de género que satisfaga las necesidades de todas las personas, incluidas las más marginadas CARE reconoce los esfuerzos de los gobiernos y del sistema de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) para minimizar las consecuencias humanas, de salud y socioeconómicas de la pandemia sin precedente del COVID-19, que afecta a individuos, comunidades y gobiernos de todo el mundo.