Recurso التعليم في حالات الطوارئ (EiE) تم تصميم هذه الدورة في المقام الأول لمساعدة التعليم في حالات الطوارئ (EiE) وممارسي التعليم على تحسين فهمهم العام للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ، أو معرفتهم بموضوعات ومجالات معينة في قطاع التعليم في حالات الطوارئ ، بما يتماشى مع الفصول الستة / 35 وحدة.
Recurso EiE Online learning series This collection of courses is primarily designed to help education in emergencies (EiE) and education practitioners to improve their overall understanding of EiE or their knowledge of specific EiE topics and areas, in line with the modules and individual course units offered. It may also serve as a useful resource for those working in other areas but wanting to improve their understanding of EiE by diving into this intermediate-level content.
Recurso Educación en Emergencias (EeE) Este curso está diseñado principalmente para ayudar a los profesionales de la educación en situaciones de emergencia (EiE) y de la educación en general a mejorar sus conocimientos tanto generales como de temas y aspectos específicos de la EiE.
Recurso L'éducation dans les situations d'urgence (ESU) Ce cours est premièrement conçu pour aider les practiciens de l'éducation en situation d'urgence (ESU) et de l'éducation à améliorer leur compréhension globale de l'ESU ou leur connaissance de thèmes spécifiques de l'ESU et domaines.
Blog New INEE Reference Group to drive reforms and set global standards for EiE data INEE, ECW, and the UIS have launched a new reference group on education in emergencies (EiE) data aimed at tackling some of the sectoral challenges in EiE data collection, storage, sharing, and use.
Noticias Covid-19 : le nombre d'enfants touchés par les fermetures d'écoles augmente à nouveau (UNICEF) Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF) a appelé les gouvernements à donner la priorité à la réouverture des écoles, à prendre toutes les mesures possibles pour rendre les salles de classe aussi sûres que possible et à éviter les fermetures d'écoles à l'échelle nationale.
Blog INEE Member Voices: Giovana Santillán, Peru (SPA) This story from Giovana Santillán on the value of INEE, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).
Blog INEE Member Voices: Dipa Das, Bangladesh (ENG) This story from Dipa Das on the value of INEE, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).
Blog INEE Member Voices: Júlio Santos, Portugal (POR) This story from Júlio Santos on the value of INEE, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).
Blog INEE Member Voices: Elena Caballero, Paraguay (SPA) This story from Elena Caballero on the value of INEE, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).