Blog Annonce du numéro spécial du JEiE sur l'éducation et la guerre contre les drogues Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication du Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 6, Numéro 1 – Numéro Spécial sur l'éducation et la guerre contre les drogues !
Blog Apresentação da Edição Especial sobre Educação e Guerra contra as Drogas da JEiE Esta edição inovadora examina como a educação não é apenas um espaço que tem sofrido consideráveis danos colaterais da guerra contra as drogas, mas também como as políticas e práticas educativas perpetuam e mantêm esta guerra de longa duração, transnacional e multifacetada.
Blog Understanding Lebanon's Deepening Education Crisis The new Lebanon Education in Emergencies Data Snapshot, produced by the USAID Middle East Education Research, Training and Support (MEERS) program as part of a collection of data snapshots across Middle Eastern countries, documents the overall educational situation for refugees and factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic that bear on education provision in Lebanon.
Recurso Education as the weapon for the future: A qualitative study of education needs in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan The people of the Nuba Mountains in Sudan have been under conflict for decades. This conflict has left the people of Nuba lacking many resources, including education support. Due to the nature of the conflict, access to the region is challenging. Still, the education organization, To Move Mountains, was able to conduct qualitative research with two communities within the conflict zone.
Noticias Cameroon's Conflict Keep Schools Shut Schoolchildren have become pawns in the fierce conflict between Cameroon's mainly French-speaking government and separatist fighters demanding independence for the country's English-speaking heartlands. The separatists are enforcing a lockdown across cities, towns and villages in the North-West and South-West regions to ensure schools remain shut for a fourth academic year in a row.
Noticias Aujourd'hui l'école est finie mais pour 262 milions d'enfants elle n'a jamais commencé Aujourd'hui en France l’école est finie mais pour 262 millions d’enfants et de jeunes dans le monde elle n’a jamais commencé ! Mariés de force, contraints de travailler ou enrôlés dans un conflit armé… trop d’enfants et de jeunes n'ont pas accès à l'école, accroissant les inégalités.
Noticias Dirigeants du G7 : il n'y aura pas de réduction des inégalités sans éducation ! Paris 4 juillet - A la veille de la réunion des ministres de l'éducation et du développement du G7 (Paris - 5 juillet), à laquelle prendront part les ministres du G5 Sahel et du Sénégal, 60 organisations de la société civile dans le monde demandent aux dirigeants du G7 doivent s’attaquer de toute urgence aux obstacles
Noticias For Syrian Refugee Children, Kindergarten Is A Safe Haven UNICEF has equipped 54 new kindergarten classrooms in Jordan's Azraq and Za'atari refugee camps, to give the children here a place to heal and grow strong.
Noticias Attacks on Girls’ Schools on the Rise as Taliban Make Gains Local Taliban leaders give deputy education director of the Farah province, Mohammad Sadiq Halimi, an ultimatum. "Fire all male teachers at girls’ schools" he was told. Replace them with women — men should not teach girls, the militants said. The government did as it was told. “We didn’t want to give them an excuse” to shut down the schools by force, Mr. Halimi said.
Recurso “What I Believe Can Rescue That Nation” : Diaspora Working to Transform Education in Fragility and Conflict This study examines diaspora’s engagement in education development work in their fragile and conflict-affected countries of origin. Through analysis of 28 in-depth interviews with diaspora from four countries, we discuss diasporas’ motivations to engage, activities of engagement, and factors that enable or constrain it.