Data and Statistics

This collection comprises data resources that are useful for supporting policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the Education in Emergencies (EiE) sector. The data resources comprise two groups: humanitarian operations and educational development.  

EiE data is critical for informing research and evidence, policy development, and practice in crisis contexts. While there is a wide range of data that is available and relevant for enhancing EiE development, there remains a gap in relevant data that addresses displacement, access, quality, and learning outcomes, among other areas. However, the production and use of EiE data is faced with an array of limitations. They include but are not limited to inaccessibility of data, limited funding for national actors to collect data, poor data sharing mechanisms among actors, a lack of consolidated standards for enhancing both ethics and quality of data production and their implementation, a lack of standardized and contextualized tools for collecting more accurate and varied data, underutilization of existing data due to limited technical capacity and collaboration in the EiE contexts at the national level, and inaccessibility to evidence generated from the data thus inducing a weak link to policy and practice. The hope is that this resource collection will help you find data that already exists to inform your work and to help you identify data gaps that you can fill.

Humanitarian Operations Data

The humanitarian data resources provide essential information to understand humanitarian needs, operations, and results. The data are provided through situational reports (SITREPS), needs assessments, datasets, dashboards, snapshot reports, and infographics. Updates may be provided as frequently as every day during the most severe phase of an emergency.  

The most detailed data on humanitarian operations and results are often available in documents, platforms, dashboards, and visuals. These data can be used for a variety of purposes but tend to be designed for operational purposes, especially to contribute to planning, implementing, coordinating, and monitoring a humanitarian response. An example of humanitarian operations data is data on tracking of displaced populations. 

Educational Development Data

The educational development data resources provide essential information to understand the educational development landscape in crisis contexts. This includes the management of education processes and the whole development of children in school contexts. The data are provided through datasets, dashboards, reports, and infographics. Most data are available at the national level and yearly (or less frequent) intervals. Examples of such data are those that focus on school adjustment, learning outcomes, wellbeing, among others.

The educational development data are usually out-of-date for countries experiencing a large-scale emergency that has disrupted the normal functioning of a large portion of the national education system. For countries hosting populations displaced by emergencies, the educational development data collection system may continue to function, but it is usually not possible to distinguish the displaced population in the data (although there are pilot efforts to address this shortcoming in EMIS systems in some countries such as Mali and Burkina Faso).  

These data are most useful as baselines, endlines, and for strategic purposes, including intervention design, learning outcomes, policymaking, advocacy, and education-sector planning, among other functions. However, the length of the crisis may determine the usefulness of one type of data source. They can also provide important background information on current or former capacities of the educational sector, which can inform planning for EiE.  


Users interested in metadata for either meta-evaluations or systematic synthesis of evidence could make use of additional databases with published evidence resources such as the UNICEF research publications, Impact initiative publications, Reliefweb publications, among other sources.

In addition to the above-described data resources, this collection includes a sub-collection of resources highlighting evidence and learning on crisis and risk-related data. 

This collection was developed by David Kunyu, INEE Data & Measurement Coordinator, with input from the INEE Data Working Group.

1 Agosto 2024 Database Global Education Cluster

Global Education Cluster Data Repository

The Global Education Cluster Data Repository is a new centralized information platform, bringing together critical data points from country-level responses, including People in Need, People Targeted, People Reached, and funding levels. This makes the Data Repository an essential resource for the sector to inform decision-making, including planning, response monitoring, advocacy, and resource mobilization.

1 Diciembre 2017 Database International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Migration Data Portal

The Portal is a unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally.

1 Diciembre 2023 Database International Labor Organization (ILO)


ILOSTAT is the custodian agency for 14 SDG labour market related indicators. It compiles and produces labour statistics, with the goal of disseminating internationally-comparable datasets through a variety of data tools.

1 Enero 2024 Database
Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)
TRACE Data Portal

Attacks on Education Dataset

This dataset is provided by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) from its Education under Attack database which monitors attacks on schools, universities, students, and educators, by armed forces and armed groups, as well as military use of education institutions.

1 Enero 2024 Database
University of Cambridge
Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)

African Education Research Database

The AERD is a curated collection of research undertaken in the past decade by scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa. The database includes social science research with implications for educational policy and practice, understood in the context of the global priorities and targets expressed in SDG4.


Evidence & Learning on crisis and risk-related data

This collection hosts key evidence and learning from a wide range of practices focused on any or all parts of the data value chain, from enabling environment and data generation to data sharing and use to provide practitioners, policymakers, and researchers with much-needed knowledge, evidence, and actionable learning.