ECDiE Programming Library

The Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE) Programming Library is a compilation of resources to support local-level implementers, service providers, and humanitarian workers in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of quality, multi-sectoral, inclusive ECDiE interventions. More information on the library is available here.


147 Results found


1 January 2006 Manual/Handbook/Guide
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide: 2nd Edition

Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention. This evidence-informed approach helps to assist children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster and terrorism. The manual includes in-depth information about each of the eight core actions and accompanying handouts for adults, adolescents, parents and caregivers, and providers.

2 March 2016 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organization (WHO)

Integrating Early Childhood Development Activities into Nutrition Programmes in Emergencies: Why, What, and How

The note explains why nutrition programmes need to include ECD activities to maximize the child’s development. It provides practical suggestions as to what simple steps are necessary to create integrated programmes in situations of famine or food insecurity and it gives examples of how such integrated programmes have been established in other situations.

1 December 2022 Case Study United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

The Little Ripples Programme in Chad

This is the executive summary of an external evaluation undertaken by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) of the Little Ripples programme in Chad. Little Ripples is a programme created and run by iACT - an NGO based in California, United States.

5 December 2022 Manual/Handbook/Guide Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action

This guidance note by INEE and the Alliance aims to promote integration and collaboration across the two humanitarian sectors of education and child protection. It orients stakeholders in both sectors to principles, frameworks, opportunities, and resources for program integration in order to ensure efficient, targeted, and effective interventions that result in improved outcomes for children and young people.

1 May 2023 Report International Rescue Committee (IRC), LEGO Foundation, NYU Global TIES for Children, Sesame Workshop

Lessons and Impacts of a Remote Early Childhood Education Program in Hard-to-Access Settings in Lebanon: A Randomized Controlled Trial

This study is the first evaluation of a remote early childhood education (ECE) program for families affected by conflict and crisis and the second of the effect of short-term (shorter than 3 months) ECE programming. It evaluates the impact of an 11-week remote early learning program (RELP) delivered alone and in combination with Ahlan Simsim Families (ASF), a parenting support program.

1 January 2002 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Guidelines for Education in Situations of Emergency and Crisis

This guideline has been prepared with major key points to be considered in developing the emergency response or preparedness of EFA plans of action. This guideline provides orientations and recommendations and strategic planning for achieving EFA in situations of emergency, crisis and reconstruction.

17 February 2021 Manual/Handbook/Guide Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Contextualizing and Measuring Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action

The package of child well-being resources includes: 1) Defining and Measuring Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action: A Contextualization Guide, 2) Training package, including PowerPoint slide deck and Facilitator Guide, and 3) Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action: A Desk Review.