LAUNCH: INEE Policy Paper on Learning Assessments

Research and Evidence
Education Policy

QELO paper cover image ENGWe are pleased to announce the launch of a new Policy Paper: Investing in Learning: the Case for Strengthening the Collection and Use of Learning Assessment Data in EiE Contexts!

This policy paper, targeted at EiE sector donors, national governments, and humanitarian and development agencies, provides guidance on how to increase and improve the measurement of holistic learning outcomes for crisis-affected learners. It provides recommendations for EiE stakeholders to improve the measurement of learning outcomes for crisis-affected children and youth. This paper has different objectives for different audiences:

For donors in humanitarian and protracted crisis contexts, this paper aims to guide policy and resource priorities towards holistic learning assessments for children and youth in conflict and crisis contexts, in order to ensure that scarce investments are funneled to evidence-based approaches and do actually translate into real learning outcomes and child wellbeing.

For national governments, this paper aims to support the inclusion of displaced and crisis-affected learners into national data management systems through equitable and holistic learning assessments. Learning assessment data is crucial to evaluate learning policies and programs, also within conflict and crisis contexts, and to integrate evidence-based approaches within national inclusive education policy and practices.

For humanitarian and development agencies, this paper provides specific guidance on measuring holistic learning outcomes in conflict and crisis contexts. It shares progress and lessons from the field on the importance of assessment contextualization and data validation, and it emphasizes the importance of going beyond administering learning assessments to consider how learning assessment data can be applied to improve the quality of education in EiE contexts.

This policy paper, available in English, Arabic, French, Portugese and Spanish, builds on two extensive mapping reports, which examined academic and social and emotional learning assessment guidance documents, tools, and program approaches, and their applicability in measuring learning outcomes in EiE contexts. 

We encourage you to read this policy paper and share it widely!

The policy paper was conceptualized by the Quality and Equitable Learning Outcomes (QELO) workstream of the INEE Education Policy Working Group, and written by Catherine Johnston and Andrea Costa. For more information, please contact [email protected].