INEE 2020 Annual Report launch

Right to Education

2020 was a milestone year for the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). In the same year that we celebrated our 20th anniversary, we also faced the greatest global education crisis in history.

INEE 2020 Annual Report cover

We are pleased to share with you the INEE 2020 Annual Report (English only), a summary of the many activities we undertook during an extraordinary last year.

Like the rest of the world, INEE was blindsided by COVID-19, the global health emergency that quickly took the focus away from everything else and posed a most serious challenge to our singular goal of ensuring quality, safe, equitable, and relevant education for all those affected by crisis. The pandemic, with its threat to health and safety and the resulting widespread school closures, imperiled hard-earned gains in the education in emergencies sector. It compounded the struggles of under-resourced education systems, especially those in crisis contexts, and it continues to threaten the education of millions of students who have lost months of learning and who have few prospects for getting it back. 

COVID-19 challenged our sector like never before, but it was not our first emergency. In fact, with our two decades of knowledge, tools, and vibrant membership, INEE was well placed to lead a response to the pandemic. We quickly curated and shared relevant tools, and we developed a range of new, COVID-19-specific technical notes, policy papers, advocacy tools, and practical action blogs. The pandemic also brought out the best of INEE’s convening power; between March and September 2020, we produced a series of 25 webinars in four languages through which practical technical support was provided to 4,700 live participants and tens of thousands of others via recordings.

And while the COVID-19 response took up a great deal of the network’s bandwidth, it was by no means the only thing we worked on in 2020. In this 2020 Annual Report, you will find a comprehensive summary of the network’s many activities and accomplishments, which are organized by INEE’s four strategic priorities and six primary functions: community building, convening, knowledge management, amplifying and advocating, facilitating and learning, and providing. 

We encourage you to click the many links in this report to read more about the results of our collective and cooperative efforts in 2020. Your engagement with INEE, whether it’s been for 20 years or as of more recently, is critical for ensuring that education continues in spite of crisis. We look forward to working together with you to face the challenges in the years ahead.