الموارد The Ambiguous Protection of Schools Under the Law of War This article considers whether the law of war provides school buildings with a less privileged status than it gives to hospitals and religious buildings. It proposes that three critical issues necessarily affect any legal regime that seeks to establish privileged status for a specific type of building during war.
الموارد مداخل l :دليل تدريب الطالب التعامل مع العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في تم تصميم وتمويل برنامج التدريب "مداخل " من قبل الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية (USAID (لبرنامج "المدارس الآمنة"؛ لتمكين المعلمين، وأفراد المجتمع، والطلاب من التعامل مع العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في المدارس وكيفية تجنبه
الموارد Determining Best Interests of Unaccompanied and Separated Children: Lessons for Guinea In most refugee situations the majority of separated and unaccompanied children are reunified with their families. However, a number of children always remain for whom tracing is unsuccessful despite extensive and comprehensive efforts. It is for these children that formal Best Interest Determination (BID) procedures are implemented to safeguard their rights.
الموارد Building Bridges to Mainstream Opportunities: Displaced Children and Orphans Fund Guidance on Funding Priorities and Parameters for Street Children Programming The report singles out lack of quality, relevant education as a "major cause of child work, often as or more significant than family poverty". Relevant education is also singled out as a key solution.
الموارد The State of Youth and Youth Protection in Northern Uganda: Findings from the Survey of War Affected Youth This report argues for significant changes in humanitarian aid and protection services in northern Uganda. New survey and interview evidence make the case for important shifts in program design.
الموارد Child Alert: Democratic Republic of Congo This briefing report, released prior to the first free elections in the country in over 40 years, describes the tragedies that face the DRC's children and urges the international community to seize the opportunity to put an end to the world's deadliest humanitarian crisis since World War II.
الموارد Asylums of Exploitation: Internally Displaced Children in the Worst Forms of Child Labour due to the Armed Conflict in Nepal The efforts by Terre des hommes, Save the Children Alliance and other organizations to combat child trafficking in Nepal have been complicated by the growing armed conflict, as tens of thousands of children and youth have been forced from their communities to urban areas.
الموارد Social Protection and Education: Our quick guide through key issues This guide, created by Eldis in collaboration with DFID, explores some of the evidence that has been gathered on social protection and education and considers what lessons have been learned.
الموارد Dealing with alleged child collaborators in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child It is our pleasure to present this report of the workshop “Dealing with alleged child collaborators in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, which took place in Ramallah on 20 April 2005. We hope it will shed some light over one of the most important and sensitive issues regarding child protection in the OPT.