الموارد Colombia's Classroom Wars: Political violence against education sector trade unions Colombia's Classroom Wars: Political violence against education sector trade unions, reveals the rights violations including murders, disappearances, torture, death threats, forced displacement, arbitrary detention of teachers and education workers in Colombia.
الموارد Knowledge on Fire: Attacks on Education in Afghanistan This study was conducted in a desire to better understand the nature of threats and attacks on education and offer recommendations for improving the ability of stakeholders to mitigate, and whenever possible, prevent, future attacks, with particular regard to the participation of communities in that process.
الموارد L'éducation prise pour cible (2007) Dans les situations de conflit armé et d’insécurité, les attaques délibérées et les menaces visant les apprenants, les universitaires, les enseignants et les infrastructures éducatives sont à la fois une entrave au droit à l’éducation et un grave problème de protection.
الموارد Lessons In Terror: Attacks on Education in Afghanistan This report examines the impact of insecurity on education in Afghanistan, especially on girls' education.
الموارد The Book of Needs (Vol. II) in Education, Science and Culture of War-Devastated Countries The Book of Needs Volume II is UNESCO's second account of postwar educational losses and needs in countries which have suffered war.
الموارد The Book of Needs (Vol. I) of Fifteen War-Devastated Countries in Education, Science and Culture The Book of Needs Volume I (1947) is UNESCO's first account of post-war educational and cultural losses and needs in 15 countries affected by World War II.