الموارد Accelerated Education Programming: Experiences from Uganda This webinar drew upon learning from Save the Children’s extensive consultations with Accelerated Education Program (AEP) students, their parents, teacher and headteachers, and other stakeholders to understand their experiences and views of AEP, in order to increase understanding of the factors that support or hinder transition between AEP cycles and post-AEP opportunities.
حدث Accelerated Education Programming: Experiences from Uganda INEE is excited to host an interactive webinar with Save the Children and the Accelerated Education Working Group titled "Accelerated Education Programming: Experiences from Uganda." This webinar draws upon learning from Save the Children’s extensive consultations with Accelerated Education Program (AEP) students, their parents, teacher and headteachers, and other stakeholders to understand their experiences and views of AEP, in order to increase understanding of the factors that support or hinder transition between AEP cycles and post-AEP opportunities.
مدونة AEWG at CIES 2019: Talking evidence and tools At the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019 Annual Conference in San Francisco, representatives of the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) and partners working in Accelerated Education (AE) presented evidence on the impact of Accelerated Education programmes (AEPs) and reflected on the use of the AEWG tools to support policymakers and practitioners globally.
الموارد AEWG at CIES 2019: Talking evidence and tools At the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019 Annual Conference in San Francisco, representatives of the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) and partners working in Accelerated Education (AE) presented evidence on the impact of Accelerated Education programmes (AEPs) and reflected on the use of the AEWG tools to support policymakers and practitioners globally.
الموارد AEWG Brief 2019 The AEWG’s goal is to improve the quality of AEPs through developing guidance and tools to support a more harmonized, standardized approach to Accelerated Education. This Brief illustrates AEWG's role in Accelerated Education, and their three major working areas for 2019.
الموارد مخطط القرارات الخاصة بالتعليم المتسارع متى يكون التعليم المتسارع تدخلاً مناسباً؟ مخطط من صفحة واحدة لتقرير وقت استخدام برامج التعليم المتسارع.
الموارد Accelerated Education Decision Tree A one-page diagram/tool for deciding when to use accelerated education programming.
الموارد Árbol de decisión de educación acelerada ¿Cuándo resulta la educación acelerada una respuesta pertinente?
الموارد Arbre de décision pour l'éducation accélérée A quel moment l’Education Accélérée représente-t-elle une réponse appropriée ?
الموارد دليل مبادئ التعليم المتسارع تستند مبادئ ونقاط العمل والارشادات الواردة هنا في هذا الدليل على أفضل الممارسات والدروس المستفادة من برامج التعليم المتسارع المنفذة في جميع أنحاء العالم وفي المناطق المتأثرة بالنزاعات وحالات الطوارئ.