حدث Building Inclusive Education Systems for Refugees The webinar will provide a global overview of educational inclusion from a data and policy perspective, and a deep dive into reflections on refugee inclusion in national education systems in the West and Central African region and the Latin American and Caribbean Regions. The webinar launches a joint inter-agency brief and two publications on the topic and provides the groundwork for discussions on educational inclusion for refugees at the sidelines of the upcoming 2023 Global Refugee Forum. UTC
الموارد Taking Stock in Jordan: The evidence landscape and gaps in Jordan’s educational response to the Syrian refugee crisis This working paper outlines the aims, process, and outcomes of an evidence review, conducted over five months, from April to August 2022, to map the evidence landscape and identify key gaps across Jordan’s education system, particularly those related to services provided to and affected by the influx of Syrian refugee students.
أخبار Plus de 7 millions d’enfants réfugiés à travers le monde ne sont pas scolarisés, selon le HCR Selon le Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU pour les réfugiés (HCR), ce sont les étudiants qui sont en majorité exclus de la scolarité. Et le taux de scolarisation des réfugiés varie considérablement en fonction des niveaux académiques dans les pays concernés.
الموارد Participatory approaches for strengthening teacher professional development in refugee settings: successes and limitations This article presents critical reflections on a teacher professional development initiative in Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei settlement in Kenya. Drawing on critical development studies, it examines the successes and limitations of efforts to facilitate a community-based participatory process that aims to respond to local refugee teachers’ needs while simultaneously developing training materials as a global good.
الموارد Digitally powered ‘learning to earning’ for displaced young people and adolescent girls and young women This report explores how digitally powered learning to earning for displaced young people, adolescent girls and young women (especially refugees, but also internally displaced and those in host communities) can be further developed and scaled.
مدونة Equity in Education: Achieving Migrant and Refugee Children’s Integration in host Communities Children and young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds are often left behind in education compared to their peers in the host countries. Read how an accelerated education program in Colombia helped bridge this gap for migrant and refugee integration into national systems.
الموارد How are Ukrainian refugee children learning in host countries? UNESCO’s latest mapping tells key figures and challenges In the recently launched report, UNESCO highlights the key findings from comprehensive policy and data reviews conducted in seven countries hosting Ukrainian refugees: Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia.
مدونة Unlocking the funding to educate the world’s refugee children Save the Children’s new report The Price of Hope warns a generation of refugee children are missing out on education they need to restore their future. Find out how the international community can come together for refugee education.
الموارد The Price of Hope: Funding education for the world’s refugee children This report explores the state of education for refugees in 2023, examining the progress that has been made since the 2019 Global Refugee Forum, and the impact that events such as the COVID-19 pandemic have had.
الموارد The World's Most Neglected Displacement Crises 2022 Each year, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) publishes a report of the ten most neglected displacement crises in the world. The purpose is to focus on the plight of people whose suffering rarely makes international headlines, who receive little or no assistance, and who never become the centre of attention for international diplomacy efforts. This is the list for 2022.