الموارد Addressing Perception in he Delivery of Education in Conflict and Crisis Equitable access to a quality education is a fundamental human right. It is also the foundation upon which true sustainable development must be built. “Education for All” (EFA) as a priority in conflict and crisis has become an increasingly popular focus of donors, practitioners, and researchers along the relief-to-development continuum.
الموارد Forum de dialogue politique sur l’éducation et la paix en République démocratique du Congo Le principal objectif du forum de dialogue politique était d’identifier les stratégies et politiques éducatives au niveau national, qui tiennent compte de la dimension conflit et qui contribuent au processus de consolidation de la paix, en conformité avec priorités nationales. C'est le rapport final du forum de dialogue politique.
الموارد Policy Dialogue Forum on Education and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo The overall purpose of the Policy Dialogue Forum was to identify national education policies and concrete strategies to be included in the Interim Education Sector Plan which are conflict-sensitive and which can contribute to peace-building processes in the country.
الموارد Alternative Education for Iraqi Refugees In August 2007, Jordan changed its policy to allow non-resident Iraqi ‘refugee’ children to attend public schools. However, many Iraqis had already been in the country for a few years and had missed several years of schooling. They therefore found it difficult integrating into Jordanian schools and catching up on missed education.
الموارد Capacity Development for Education Systems in Fragile Contexts A PowerPoint to accompany the Issue Paper Capacity Development for Education Systems in Fragile Contexts, authored by ETF and GTZ, as part of the INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility workplan.
الموارد Synthesis Research Report: State-Building, Peace-Building and Service Delivery in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States This synthesis report provides an overview of a one-year research project which explored the contribution played by service delivery to state-building and peace-building processes.
الموارد Classrooms in the Crosshairs: Military Use of Schools in Yemen’s Capital This 46-page report details the occupation of schools by government security forces, militias, and opposition armed groups, risking the lives and education of tens of thousands of students.
الموارد A Mapping Exercise: Training Programs for Teachers and Education Workers in the Field of Peacebuilding and Conflict-Transformation The aim of this research project is to gain an idea of the types of training programs available to and specifically geared towards teachers and education workers. This can be used as a point of departure to identify best practices in teachers training in the field of peace-building and conflict-transformation.
الموارد Education for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: Meeting the Global Challenges of the 21st Century The paper describes a range of conflict prevention initiatives and examines the role of policy-makers, youth, women, and the media in maintaining and restoring peace as part of a holistic vision of education.