الموارد Factors Determining Democratic Attitudes in Deeply Divided Societies Multi-national study examining the influence education has on attitudes towards democracy.
الموارد Kit of Tools for Participatory Research and Evaluation with Children, Young People and Adults Save the Children Norway has undertaken a two-year thematic evaluation and documentation of children’s participation in armed conflict, post conflict and peace building (2006-2008) in four countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Nepal and Uganda.
الموارد The Two Faces of Empowerment in Conflict This article problematises Bush & Saltarelli's call for a new and comprehensive peacebuilding education which empowers children through demonstrating that alternatives to conflict exist, that they have choices and the capacity to change their own and their society's situation.
الموارد INEE Minimum Standards: A Tool for Education Quality Assessment in Afghan Schools in Pakistan This article details a pilot Minimum Standards assessment in Afghan refugee schools supported by the International Rescue Committee’s Female Education Program in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan.
الموارد Education in Complex Emergencies: A Case Study of the IRC Guinea Education Program This masters thesis is a case study of the IRC Guinea Education Program. Civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone sent tens of thousands of people across the border to safety in Guinea.
الموارد Education in Emergencies and Post-Conflict Situations: Problems, Responses and Possibilities (v. 2) The second edition includes case studies that look at both the politics and policies of education for refugees and IDPs as well as education as protective and preventative measures. Within these two overarching topics, the case studies in this volume focus on the following geographical areas: Pakistan, Turkey, New York City, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Sudan.
الموارد التعلم من التباين والإختلاف: دليل من خلال بحث عملى تقدم الإرشادات أفكارًا للمنهجيات والأنشطة (استنادًا إلى الدروس المستفادة خلال مشروع البحث التطبيقي) يمكن للآخرين تجربتها أو تكييفها لتسهيل عمليات التأمل والتسجيل والتعلم والمشاركة المماثلة ضمن مجتمعاتهم المحلية.
الموارد Learning from Difference: An Action Research Guide The Guidelines provide ideas for methodologies and activities (based on the lessons learned during the action research project) that others can try or adapt in order to facilitate similar reflection, recording, learning and sharing within their local communities.
الموارد Engaging Civil Society Organizations in Conflict-Affected and Fragile States This report from three African country case studies presents key findings from pilots of the Civil Society Assessment Tool (CSAT) in Angola, Guinea Bissau, and Togo.
الموارد Education in Emergencies & Post-Conflict Situations: Problems, Responses, and Possibilities The articles in this volume provide a wide range of small-scale, short-term case studies exploring multiple aspects of education in emergencies.