الموارد Orientation Seminar: Disseminate and Implement IASC Guidelines on MH and PSS in Emergency Settings This guide was developed to inform specific target audiences about the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. The design follows six parts: 1) Assessment 2) Goals 3) Seminar Step-by-step 4) Monitoring of learning during the seminar 5) Evaluation and 6) Reading and Handouts.
الموارد Guidance Note for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support: Haiti Earthquake Emergency Response This statement reflects the views of the Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Reference Group in response to the Haiti crisis. This guidance is based on the IASC Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Guidelines in Emergency Settings and highlights those aspects of the Guidelines that are particularly relevant for the current response in Haiti.
الموارد A Practical Guide for Developing Child Friendly Spaces This guide is designed to assist UNICEF staff and partners, in establishing and operating Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) in an emergency.
الموارد Child Soldiering: Impact on Childhood Development and Learning Capacity EAA commissioned this paper in connection with its engagement with the International Criminal Court relating to education and child soldiers.
الموارد The Education of Former Child Soldiers: Finding a Way Back to Civilian Identity The paper examines the types of education programmes for former child soldiers. These may entail integration into existing school programmes, accelerated learning, or vocational studies.
الموارد INEE Thematic Issue Brief: Psychosocial Well-being To enable educational access and quality in emergency and early recovery contexts, addressing issues psychosocial well-being is essential.
الموارد The Child Psychosocial Distress Screener The CPDS is a multi-source instrument that assesses non-specific child psychosocial distress and the likelihood of need for psychosocial treatment. The instrument is developed as a primary screener in conflict affected community settings (especially low-and middle-income settings), for children between 8 and 14 years old.
الموارد الصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي في حالات الطوارئ: ما الذي ينبغي أن يعرفه العاملون في مجال العون الصحي الإنساني؟ تتوجه هذه الوثيقة إلى العاملين في مجال الإغاثة الإنسانية الذين يعمل:ون عل:ى المس:توى المحل:ي وم:ا دون المس:توى ال:وطني ف:ي البل:دان الت:ي تواج:ه أزم:ات وح:الات ط:وارىء. وه:ي تص:لح لشركاء "التكتل الصح ي العالمي و " ّمقدم ي الخدمات الصحية ، الحكومي ة وغير الحكومي
الموارد Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Emergencies: What Should Humanitarian Health Actors Know? This document is for humanitarian health actors working at national and sub-national level in countries facing emergencies and crises. It applies to Health Cluster partners, including governmental and non-governmental health service providers.
الموارد Santé mentale et soutien psychosocial dans les situations d’urgence: ce que les acteurs de santé humanitaires doivent savoir Ce document est destiné aux acteurs humanitaires du domaine de la santé qui interviennent, aux niveaux national et local, dans des pays qui traversent des situations d’urgence et de crise. Il s’adresse aux partenaires du Health Cluster (Groupe “Santé Responsabilité Sectorielle”) y compris aux prestataires de services de santé gouvernementaux et non gouvernementaux.