الموارد Mental Health of Children in Palestinian Kindergartens: Resilience and Vulnerability Exposure to adversity does not necessarily lead to the development of psychopathology in all affected children. This study examined the factors associated with resilience and vulnerability in mental health in the Gaza Strip in 2007.
الموارد Child-friendly Schools: Stories from Mozambique Under the aegis of Schools for Africa, the Child-Friendly Schools initiative in Mozambique promotes the rights of children and aims to improve the quality of primary education through a set of multi-sectoral interventions. It reinforces the goals of the Government of Mozambique’s Five-Year Plan (2010-2014) to realize an integrated and cross-cutting approach to basic education.
الموارد Children on the Frontline: Children and Young People in Disaster Risk Reduction Plan and World Vision argue that children, who represent 50% of the world's population, can and do play invaluable roles in planning and implementing disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation activities. In spite of this evidence, children are, by and large, excluded from the activities that contribute to building the resilience of their local communities.
الموارد Building an evidence base on mental health interventions for children affected by armed conflict This paper reviews what is currently known from research about the effectiveness of interventions to address mental health problems in children and adolescents affected by armed conflict. The focus will be on interventions delivered in conflict affected countries either during active humanitarian emergencies or during the post conflict period.
الموارد High Hopes, Grim Reality: Reintegration and the Education of Former Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone The complexity of providing education to former child soldiers in Sierra Leone and the potential challenges that may be associated with their return to school remain unexplored in the research.
الموارد Youth Livelihoods Development Program Guide This guide provides a practical set of suggestions and reference materials to improve youth livelihood development practices and to expand programming in this increasingly important area.
الموارد ¿Cómo sensibilizar a los jóvenes sobre la preparación ante desastres?: Capitalización de la experiencia - Bolivia El objetivo de este documento es recuperar experiencias y conocimientos aprendidos a través del proyecto DIPECHO "Apoyando la preparación ante desastres en el Alto" en Bolivia, facilitar el acceso a esta información, socializar la información recopilada con grupos de interés y contribuir a la superación de dificultades con base en experiencias concretas.
الموارد Kit of Tools for Participatory Research and Evaluation with Children, Young People and Adults Save the Children Norway has undertaken a two-year thematic evaluation and documentation of children’s participation in armed conflict, post conflict and peace building (2006-2008) in four countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Nepal and Uganda.
الموارد Determining Best Interests of Unaccompanied and Separated Children: Lessons for Guinea In most refugee situations the majority of separated and unaccompanied children are reunified with their families. However, a number of children always remain for whom tracing is unsuccessful despite extensive and comprehensive efforts. It is for these children that formal Best Interest Determination (BID) procedures are implemented to safeguard their rights.
الموارد Building Bridges to Mainstream Opportunities: Displaced Children and Orphans Fund Guidance on Funding Priorities and Parameters for Street Children Programming The report singles out lack of quality, relevant education as a "major cause of child work, often as or more significant than family poverty". Relevant education is also singled out as a key solution.