الموارد L'éducation secondaire en Afrique : préparer les jeunes à l'avenir du travail Ce rapport se concentre sur le rôle de l'enseignement secondaire pour garantir que les jeunes acquièrent les aptitudes, les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour réussir sur un marché du travail dynamique et mondialisé, où les tendances à la numérisation et à l'automatisation sont en hausse.
الموارد Information and Communications Technologies in Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies, Practices, Trends, and Recommendations The following report discusses the use of Information Communications Technologies (ICTs) to improve access to, quality of, and delivery of secondary education within sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses the policy environment for ICTs in sub-Saharan Africa, their successes, challenges, and lessons learned, and it concludes with a broad and detailed set of recommendations for policy makers, donors, the private sector, designers, and implementers of ICTs in education programs.
أخبار Syrian Students in Jordan Struggle with Multiple Obstacles to Post-Secondary Education Syrians sat for high school final exams (tawjihi) this year, according to the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Education, Sami al-Salaitah, among which hundreds are expected to have passed and thus become qualified to enroll in universities and community colleges.
أخبار Few Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon Get Into Secondary Education A report released last month has confirmed what has long been suspected—that the educational pipeline in Jordan and Lebanon has collapsed. In particular, refugee youth are not flowing through secondary schools—to graduation, or up into vocational or higher education.
الموارد Left Out, Left Behind: Adolescent girls' secondary education in crises This report aims to understand more about the intersection between humanitarian crises, gender, age and education, paying close attention to gaps in secondary education. Where data permits, we explore the impact that humanitarian crises have on adolescent girls’ educational attainment, how this contrasts to that of adolescent boys, and how results differ between geographies.
الموارد The Cost and Benefits of Education in Iraq Looking at Iraq Centre and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), this report aims to update the education situation, quantify the economic benefits of education, and identify sources of inefficiencies as well as key priority themes in the education sector with clear links to the National Education Strategy 2011-2020.
الموارد Leaving no one behind: How far on the way to universal primary and secondary education? With the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries have promised to achieve universal completion of primary and secondary education by 2030. This paper, jointly released by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, illustrates the magnitude of this challenge.
الموارد No dejar a nadie atrás: ¿cuánto falta para la educación primaria y secundaria universal? Este documento, que dan a conocer conjuntamente el Instituto de Estadística de la UNESCO (UIS) y el Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo (Informe GEM), ilustra la magnitud de ese reto.
الموارد Ne laisser personne pour compte : sommes-nous loin de l’enseignement primaire et secondaire universel ? Le présent document, publié conjointement par l’Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO (ISU) et le Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’éducation (GEM), illustre l’ampleur de ce défi
الموارد Strengthening Peacebuilding Competencies through Secondary Education: A case study on Piloting Reformed Lower Secondary Curriculum in Uganda In this report the findings from a qualitative assessment carried out among 3 pilot schools in Napak District is presented together with feedback from students from approximately 20% of participating schools.