الموارد EFA Global Monitoring Report 2012: Youth and Skills - Putting education to work The 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report is divided into two parts. Part I provides a snapshot of progress towards the six EFA goals, and towards spending on education to finance the goals. Part II turns to the third EFA goal, paying particular attention to the skills needs of young people.
الموارد Informe de seguimiento de la EPT en el mundo 2012: Los Jóvenes y las competencias: trabajar con la educación El Informe de Seguimiento de la EPT en el Mundo 2012 se divide en dos partes. En la Parte I se ofrece una instantánea de los avances hacia la consecución de los seis objetivos de la EPT y del gasto en educación destinado a financiar dichos objetivos. La Parte II se centra en el tercer objetivo de la EPT, prestando especial atención a las necesidades de los jóvenes en materia de competencias.
الموارد Rapport mondial de suivi sur l'EPT 2012: Jeunes et compétences : l'éducation au travail Le Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’Éducation pour tous 2012 montrera de quelle façon des programmes de développement des compétences peuvent être améliorés et leur champ d’application étendu afin d’offrir aux jeunes de plus grandes chances d’accéder à des emplois décents et à de meilleures conditions de vie.
الموارد The Impacts of Economic Strengthening Programs on Children This review of 43 impact studies sought to methodically capture the known impacts of economic strengthening (ES) programs (microcredit, skills training, agricultural interventions, etc.) on the well-being of children (0-18 years) in crisis contexts in low-income countries.
الموارد An Ethnographic Study of Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms and their Linkage with the National Child Protection System of Sierra Leone The ethnographic research presented in this report is part of an inter-agency, grounded learning initiative undertaken in response to the desk review. It aims to strengthen child protection practice in the global child protection sector through research in three countries in West Africa (Sierra Leone), East and Southern Africa (Kenya), and Southeast Asia, respectively.
الموارد INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: Protecting Adolescents Through Quality Education in Eastern Chad In December 2005, Refugee Education Trust (RET) started a post-primary education program aimed at protecting and empowering young Sudanese refugees (basic education for over-aged youth, formal and distance secondary education and language courses) and young people in the Chadian host communities (basic education for over-aged youth)
الموارد Un avenir incertain ? Enfants et conflit armé en République centrafricaine Afin d’informer les décideurs à un moment crucial après la réélection en janvier 2011 du Président François Bozizé à la tête de la République centrafricaine (RCA), les ONG Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict (Watchlist) et IDMC (Observatoire des situations de déplacement interne) ont mutualisé leurs forces pour effectuer une mission de terrain de quatre semaines en RCA afin de faire des recherches et de rédiger un rapport sur la situation des enfants touchés par le conflit armé.
الموارد Tapping the Potential of Displaced Youth: Guidance for Nonformal Education and Livelihoods Development Policy and Practice This report synthesizes findings and recommendations from a multi-year (2008–2011), multi-country research and advocacy project, the Displaced Youth Initiative.
الموارد ALP Booklet of Best Practices Taking into account the commitment of governments and civil society organisations at global level to support education programmes that aim at promoting the MDGs, the Provincial Directorate for Education of Cuanza Sul in partnership with IBIS, Save the Children and UNICEF began in 2008 to implement the Literacy and Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP).
الموارد INEE Framing Paper 3 - Whole People, Holistic Approaches: Cross-Sectoral Action and Learning Through six case studies from across a range of sectors, this paper explores innovative programmatic approaches, with a particular emphasis on the role of youth participation.