أخبار UNESCO Reports Large Increase in Migrant and Refugee School-Age Children The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has released its annual report on the state of education around the world. The 2019 report focuses for the first time on the theme of migration and displacement and finds that the numbers of migrant and refugee school-age children have grown by 26% since the year 2000.
أخبار UNESCO Reports Large Increase in Migrant and Refugee School-Age Children The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched its annual report on the state of education around the world, focusing for the first time on the theme of migration and displacement. It finds that the numbers of migrant and refugee school-age children have grown by 26% since the beginning of the new millennium.
أخبار Without school, a 'lost generation' of Rohingya refugee children face uncertain future Research shows that the future of refugee children grows more imperiled the longer they remain out of school.
الموارد نموذج تنسيق شؤون اللاجئين يُشكِّل نموذج تنسيق شؤون اللاجئين الأساس الذي يتم الارتكاز عليه في قيادة وتنسيق العمليات المتعلقة بشؤون اللاجئين؛ وهو يعكس واجبنا المشترك تجاه اللاجئين ويؤكد على رؤية إنسانية متكاملة ومسؤولية خاصة تجاههم.
الموارد Refugee Coordination Model (RCM) The Refugee Coordination Model (RCM) provides the model for leading and coordinating refugee operations. It sets out our shared duty to refugees, an integrated humanitarian vision, and responsibilities.
الموارد Modelo de coordinación en materia de refugiados El modelo de coordinación en materia de refugiados proporciona el marco necesario para liderar y coordinar las operaciones relacionadas con refugiados. Define la obligación común del ACNUR con los refugiados, una visión humanitaria integrada y un conjunto de responsabilidades.
الموارد Modèle de coordination pour les réfugiés Le modèle de coordination pour les réfugiés (RCM) explique comment diriger et coordonner les opérations de réfugiés. Il établit notre devoir commun envers les réfugiés, une vision humanitaire intégrée, ainsi que des responsabilités.
أخبار How a Pilot Project in Kenya Helps Refugees Go to University With the displacement lasting an average of 20 years for many refugees or internally displaced people (IDPs), education has become central to humanitarian aid and long-term development efforts. Nevertheless, refugees and IDPs still face challenges in accessing higher education.
الموارد Faire appliquer le droit à l’éducation des réfugiés : Une perspective politique Le présent document, rédigé à l’intention des décideurs en matière d’éducation, propose une analyse et une réflexion sur les moyens de garantir le droit à l’éducation aux personnes réfugiées, du point de vue des politiques. Il commence par faire le point sur l’accès des réfugiés à l’éducation, en s’appuyant sur les rares données disponibles sur le sujet.
الموارد Enforcing the right to education of refugees: A policy perspective This paper, aimed at education policymakers, provides analysis and insights on how the right to education for refugees could be ensured from a policy perspective. It does so by reviewing the current status of access to education of refugees, using the scant data that is available in this area.