مدونة COVID-19 and school closures: What can countries learn from past emergencies? The education in emergencies community can offer good practices for countries battling COVID-19 where education has been disrupted for a protracted period.
حدث Child Protection and COVID-19 (Including Considerations for Refugee Populations) Children in refugee contexts are at heightened risks of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence risks during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the Alliance of Child Protection in Humanitarian Action with UNHCR will be hosting a webinar to explore the key considerations for adapting child protection responses in refugee settings to the current pandemic, including broader protection considerations.
الموارد Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 is quickly changing the context in which children live. Prevention and control measures such as school closures (as announced or implemented in 100 countries) disrupt children’s routine and support structures. As a response, the Alliance hosted a webinar to introduce their new Technical Note: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
الموارد Alternative Care Guidance for the COVID-19 Situation This guidance provides an overview of the risks assosciated with disease outbreak that could cause children to be left without appropriate parental care, and provides scenearios for where children may be identified as separated in Iraq due to issues related to COVID-19.
الموارد Natural Disaster and Child Labor: Evidence from Indonesian Earthquake We examine the impact of an earthquake in Indonesia on children’s school and work activities and how the effect differs by access to credit. We find that the earthquake decreases education and increases child labor, but the effect is stronger for households with access to credit.
حدث Alliance-INEE Round Table: A Framework for Collaboration between Child Protection and Education in Humanitarian Contexts INEE and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance), in partnership with Elevate Children Funders Group and International Education Funders Group, are co-hosting this roundtable. The theme for this event is “Integrated programming across Child Protection and Education in humanitarian settings”.
الموارد Introducción a la protección de la niñez y adolescencia en la acción humanitaria: Guía para la coordinación, la preparación y la respuesta La guía tiene como objetivo apoyar a los actores responsables de proteger a los niños, niñas y adolescentes de la región ofreciéndoles una síntesis de los elementos y herramientas claves para la coordinación, la preparación y la respuesta a situaciones de emergencia que afectan el bienestar y la integridad de los niños, niñas y adolescentes.
أخبار Nine children walking to school in Afghanistan are killed by landmine Nine children were killed when a landmine exploded as they walked to school in Afghanistan. It's the latest shocking incident in a country where more than 1,000 schools were shut down last year by the ongoing conflict.
الموارد We-Act - Palestine The We-Act measure is an observation and performance-based assessment designed to assess the extent to which frontline education, child protection, and psychosocial support workers in humanitarian settings have adequate competencies to provide effective support to children.
الموارد Normas mínimas para la protección de la niñez y adolescencia en la acción humanitaria (2019) Las normas mínimas para la protección de la niñez y adolescencia en la acción humanitaria, NMPNA (siglas en inglés: CPMS) se han convertido en uno de los recursos clave para los trabajadores humanitarios desde su lanzamiento en el 2012.