الموارد Risk-informed Education Programming for Resilience This Guidance Note aims to help UNICEF education staff at all levels, who are working in humanitarian, transition, and development contexts, analyze risk and adapt education policies and programs to take risk into account, so that education populations and systems are more resilient and all children and youth are in school and learning.
الموارد Nota de orientación: La programación de educación fundamentada en los riesgos en favor de la resiliencia La presente nota de orientación busca ayudar al personal educativo de UNICEF de cualquier nivel a analizar el riesgo y adaptar las políticas y programas de educación para que tengan en cuenta los riesgos, con el objeto de que los sistemas y las poblaciones educativas sean más resilientes, y todos los niños y jóvenes estén escolarizados y aprendan.
الموارد Summary Guidance on Risk, Resilience and Linking Humanitarian and Development Programming This Guide is a summary based on the UNICEF Guidance for Risk-Informed Programming (GRIP), with some updates, and is for use by UNICEF staff in support of partners.
الموارد Book Review: Transitional Justice and Education: Learning Peace by Clara Ramirez-Barat and Roger Duthie In Transitional Justice and Education: Learning Peace, editors Clara Ramírez-Barat and Roger Duthie explore what it means to address transitional justice and legacies of the past from an education perspective and how this relates to a broader peacebuilding agenda.
الموارد ورقة موضوعية الوقاية من التطرف ال يزال هناك محدودية في اإلجماع العنيف ال يزال هناك محدودية في اإلجماع حول كيفية تعريف التطرف العنيف. هذه الورقة تسلط الضوء على بعض أكثر المفاهيم والتعريفات شيوعا اخذين بعين االعتبار ان االيني ال تتخذ موقفا خاصا. تعرض هذه الورقة أحدث األبحاث وبعض األمثلة حول امكانيه التعليم للمساهمة في الحد من ومنع العنف.
الموارد INEE Thematic Paper: Preventing Violent Extremism This paper highlights some of the more commonly used concepts and working definitions, though INEE does not take a particular stance. The paper presents current thinking and up-to-date research, and provides some examples of how education can contribute towards preventing violence.
الموارد Documento Temático: Prevención del Extremismo Violento El documento presenta el pensamiento actual y la investigación actualizada, y proporciona algunos ejemplos de cómo la educación puede contribuir a la prevención de la violencia.
الموارد Document Thématique: Prévention de L’Extrémisme Violent Le document présente les réflexions actuelles et la recherche à jour, et fournit quelques exemples de la façon dont l’éducation peut contribuer à la prévention de la violence.
الموارد Nota Temática: Prevenir o Extremismo Violento A definição de extremismo violento não é consensual. Esta Nota Temática destaca alguns dos conceitos e definições mais utilizadas, ainda que a INEE não assuma uma posição em particular. Este documento apresenta, ainda, o pensamento atual e reflete a investigação mais recente sobre a temática, bem como dá exemplos de como a educação pode contribuir para a prevenção do extremismo violento.
الموارد Book Review: Critical Peace Education and Global Citizenship by Rita Verma Rita Verma’s Critical Peace Education and Global Citizenship is simultaneously inspiring and terrifying—inspiring in the accounts it offers of highly interactive peace education outside the normal curriculum and in possibilities for activism, and terrifying in its exposure of the “Trump Effect” and how this legitimates racism.