الموارد INEE Strategic Framework 2018-2023 The INEE Strategic Framework 2018-2023 guides the network - all individual and organizational members - to play an ever more effective role in the delivery of quality, safe, and relevant education for all those affected by emergencies and protracted crises.
الموارد Marco Estratégico de la INEE 2018-2023 El Marco Estratégico de la INEE 2018-2023 ha sido desarrollado para definir el rumbo, prioridades y actividades que la INEE desarrollará en el transcurso de seis años.
الموارد Cadre Stratégique 2018-2023 de l'INEE Le cadre stratégique de l'INEE 2018-2023 a été développé pour indiquer la direction, les priorités, et les activités que l'INEE entreprendra dans les six prochaines années.
الموارد Quadro Estratégico da INEE 2018-2023 O Quadro Estratégico da INEE 2018-2023 foi definido para orientar a direção, as prioridades e as atividades às quais a INEE se vai dedicar ao longo dos próximos seis anos.
الموارد المعاییرالعراقیة الدنیــا للتعلیم اثناء الطواريء تتبع ھذه الوثیقة تنظیم الادوات العالمیة للمعاییر الدنیا للشبكة العالمیة: المجالات ( الفئات) الخمس ومعاییرھا الخاصة بھا، وتتمیز بمیزة ھي ان المعاییر في ھذه الوثیقة مرقمة من ۱-۱۹ . (انظر الخریطة في الصفحة ۸
الموارد Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Iraq Based on the INEE Minimum Standards for Education, this contextualized tool defines effective, quality, and inclusive education practices that support the provision of safe, quality, and relevant education for all children and youth in Iraq and surrounding countries.
مدونة INEE Capacity Development Workshop in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh In March 2018, two Secretariat members - the INEE Minimum Standards Specialist, seconded by Plan International and the INEE Standards and Practice Coordinator - visited Cox's Bazaar, and were able to meet INEE members and organize a capacity building workshop
الموارد Education and Cooperation in Emergencies Seminar This seminar contributes towards knowledge sharing for Working Group members as well as for the wider audience, promoting reflection, teaching and research, helping to develop partnerships and to contribute to affirm this strategic area for internationalization within the framework of development cooperation.
مدونة INEE Minimum Standards Workshops in Japan INEE, in partnership with Mercy Corps under the TOMODACHI NGO Leadership Program, and the Japan Platform (JFP) held a 5 day training of trainers (ToT) on the INEE Minimum Standards (MS) in Washington DC in March 2016.
الموارد Case Study: Education for South Sudanese Refugees in Ethiopia An education programme for South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia illustrates the use of two complementary sets of standards: the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)’s Minimum Standards for Education and Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards