Resource African Education Research Database The AERD is a curated collection of research undertaken in the past decade by scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa. The database includes social science research with implications for educational policy and practice, understood in the context of the global priorities and targets expressed in SDG4.
Event Evidence-Sharing Panel with JEiE Volume 9 Authors and Editors The Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) and INEE are pleased to invite you to join JEiE authors and editors for a webinar to celebrate the launch of JEiE Volume 9, Number 1! UTC
Resource Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 9, Number 1 The research articles, field notes, and book reviews featured in JEiE Volume 9, Number 1 focus on refugee education and aspirations, social and emotional learning and literacy, teachers’ agency and self-concept, peacebuilding, and education responses to COVID-19, among other important themes.
Resource Editorial Note: Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 9, Number 1 JEiE’s Nathan Thompson, Samantha Colón, and Dana Burde introduce the key themes and novel contributions made to EiE evidence in the research articles, field notes, and book reviews presented in JEiE Volume 9, Number 1.
Blog Announcing JEiE Volume 9, Number 1! This issue of the Journal on Education in Emergencies offers new evidence on a broad range of EiE topics: student retention and dropout, age- and gender-responsive SEL interventions, designing participatory research with refugees, teacher agency, the education response to COVID-19, and more.
Blog Anuncio del volumen 9, número 1, de la JEIE Este número de la Journal on Education in Emergencies ofrece nuevos datos sobre una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la EeE: la retención y el abandono escolar de los estudiantes, las intervenciones de SEL adaptadas a la edad y el sexo, el diseño de la investigación participativa con población refugiada, la actuación de los docentes, la respuesta educativa al COVID-19, y más.
Blog Publication du JEiE Volume 9, Numéro 1 ! Ce numéro du Journal on Education in Emergencies propose de nouvelles preuves sur une grande variété de thèmes de l’ESU : rétention et abandon scolaire des étudiants, interventions ASE sensible au genre, conception de recherches participatives avec des personnes réfugiées, l’agence du personnel enseignant, la réponse pédagogique à la COVID-19 et bien plus.
Blog Anúncio da JEiE Volume 9, número 1! Esta edição do Journal on Education in Emergencies oferece novas evidências sobre uma ampla gama de tópicos de EeE: retenção e evasão escolar, intervenções de ASE sensíveis à idade e ao gênero, elaboração de pesquisas participativas com pessoas refugiadas, agência de professoras/es, resposta da educação à COVID-19 e muito mais.
Resource Left Further Behind after the COVID-19 School Closures: Survey Evidence on Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Bangladesh Gudrun Østby et al. assess the differential effects COVID-19-related school closures had for refugee and host community boys and girls in Bangladesh. They find that the closures were especially detrimental to teenage refugee girls’ ability to resume their schooling after the pandemic.
Resource Addressing Adolescence: Advocating for Age- and Gender-Responsive Social and Emotional Learning during Emergencies In their systematic review of SEL interventions in EiE contexts, Rena Deitz and Heddy Lahmann argue that studies that disaggregate intervention outcomes by age and gender provide the best guidance for tailoring interventions to the beneficiaries’ particular developmental and social realities.