Announcing JEiE Volume 9, Number 1!

Research and Evidence

Vol9 No1 coverThis issue of the Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) features understudied questions and underrepresented voices in conflict and crisis contexts. The contributing authors present education in emergencies research and fieldwork that attends to and responds to context in a wide variety of settings, including Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Nigeria, Lebanon, Iraq, Georgia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Colombia.

JEiE Volume 9, Number 1 adds to the evidence on the factors that influence whether students resume their education or drop out permanently when shocks disrupt their schooling; on the ways remedial education can help out-of-school students resume their education; on how locally relevant framing of hope, self-concept, resilience, and vulnerability influences students’ aspirations and elevates teachers’ agency within the global EiE discourse; and on the efficacy of social and emotional learning interventions that respond to students’ age- and gender-related realities.

This issue includes five research articles, five field notes, and four book reviews. Our field notes section features a Special Subsection on Education in Pandemics. The authors of the four articles in this subsection offer lessons on the design and delivery of community-based and distance education during public health crises, as well as insights into the factors that boost the resilience of education systems as the effects of COVID-19 change from acute shocks to system stressors. In these articles, the authors underscore the value of culturally responsive curricula, flexibility in higher education, alternative schooling models for hard-to-reach students and those living in extreme poverty, and the benefits that providing teacher training and in-person teacher visitations have for education continuity during pandemic-related school closings.

As a diamond open access journal, JEiE Volume 9, Number 1, as well as previous issues of JEiE and all individual articles, can be downloaded for free from the INEE website.

This issue is available in English; the title of each article are also available below and on the INEE website in português, français, español, and العربيه.

For more information on JEiE, visit

Journal on Education in Emergencies
Volume 9, Number 1


Nathan Thompson, Samantha Colón, and Dana Burde



Impact of Catch-up Clubs in Conflict-Affected Myanmar: A Community-Led Remedial Learning Model
Silvia Mila Arlini, Nora Charif Chefchaouni, Jessica Chia, Mya Gordon, and Nishtha Shrestha

Left Further Behind after the COVID-19 School Closures: Survey Evidence on Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Bangladesh
Gudrun Østby, Haakon Gjerløw, Sabrina Karim, and Emily Dunlop

Addressing Adolescence: Advocating for Age- and Gender-Responsive Social and Emotional Learning during Emergencies
Rena Deitz and Heddy Lahmann

Hoping against the Odds: Understanding Refugee Youths’ Aspirations for Gaining Overseas Scholarships
Hassan Aden

Bangkit Semangat—Raise the Spirits: Teachers’ Vulnerability, Resilience, and Voice in Postdisaster Indonesia
Christopher Henderson



Voices of Refugee Youth: Reflections on a Participatory, Youth-Centered Study
Katrina Barnes, Rebecca Daltry, Amy Ashlee, Aime Parfait Emerusenge, Khalid Khan, Asma Rabi, Aimée Mukankusi, Julia Pacitto, David Hollow, and Bethany Sikes

Special Subsection on Education in Pandemics

Education Systems Response to COVID-19: Reflections on the Contributions of Research to USAID's Education and Resilience Agenda
Jennifer Flemming, Ritesh Shah, Nina Weisenhorn, Julie Chinnery, and Gwendolyn Heaner

The Impact of COVID-19 on Connected Learning: Unveiling the Potential and the Limits of Distance Education in Dadaab Refugee Camp
HaEun Kim, Mirco Stella, and Kassahun Hiticha

A Capabilities Response to the Design and Delivery of Distance Learning for the Most Educationally Marginalized Children during COVID-19
Kate Sykes

Preparing Children for an Unpredictable World in the Middle of a Crisis: La Aldea’s Approach
Ana María Restrepo-Sáenz and Emmanuel Neisa Chateauneuf



Meaningless Citizenship: Iraqi Refugees and the Welfare State by Sally Wesley Bonet
Samaya Mansour

Becoming Rwandan: Education, Reconciliation, and the Making of a Post-Genocide Citizen by S. Garnett Russell
Orelia Jonathan

Teaching Peace and Conflict: The Multiple Roles of School Textbooks in Peacebuilding edited by Catherine Vanner, Spogmai Akseer, and Thursica Kovinthan Levi 
Myuri Komaragiri

Youth-Led Social Movements and Peacebuilding in Africa edited by Ibrahim Bangura
Deanna Pittma