Resource Boîte à outils pour la collecte et l'analyse des données sur les attaques contre l'éducation Le Kit s'appuie sur les efforts de la GCPEA et de ses partenaires pour mieux mesurer la portée et l'impact des attaques contre l'éducation et vise à combler les lacunes en matière de suivi et de signalement.
Resource Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Toolkit This is a list of curated tools and resources that can help you plan, develop and integrate Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) into your work throughout the programme cycle, as well as to apply knowledge and adjust the approach gained from evidence generated through MEL.
Resource Thinking Outside the Classroom: Theories of Change and Measures to Support the Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Distance Learning Programs This document is intended to be a living framework for thinking and talking about primary and secondary school-aged distance education interventions, beginning in low and middle-income (LMIC) and humanitarian contexts and expanding over time to include distance education interventions designed for high-income contexts.
Resource بنك مؤشرات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ اُنشئ بنك مؤشر التعليم في حالات الطوارئ في الأونروا استكمالًا لإطار الرصد المشترك، والذي يشمل مؤشرات إلزامية لقياس أداء برنامج التعليم في الأونروا. كان الهدف الرئيسي من إنشاء بنك مؤشرات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ هو تعزيز ومواءمة ورصد وتقييم أنشطة التعليم في حالات الطوارئ المنفذة عبر مكاتب عمليات الأونروا.
Resource Education in Emergencies (EiE) Bank of Indicators The UNRWA EiE Indicator Bank was developed in complement to the UNRWA Common Monitoring Framework (CMF), which includes mandatory indicators for measuring the performance of the UNRWA Education programme. The main objective of establishing the EiE Indicator Bank was to strengthen and harmonize the monitoring and evaluation of EiE activities implemented across the UNRWA Fields of Operation
Resource Banco de Indicadores de Educación en Emergencias (EeE) El Banco de Indicadores de EeE de UNRWA se desarrolló como complemento al Marco Común de Monitoreo de UNRWA, que incluye indicadores obligatorios para medir el rendimiento del programa de Educación de UNRWA .
Resource Banque d'indicateurs de l'éducation en situations d'urgence (ESU) L'objectif principal de la création de la banque d'indicateurs ESU était de renforcer et d'harmoniser le suivi et l'évaluation des activités ESU mises en œuvre dans les zones d'opération de l'UNRWA (Gaza, Cisjordanie, Liban, Syrie et Jordanie) en réponse aux besoins éducatifs et psychosociaux liés à l'urgence.
Resource Banco de Indicadores da Educação em situações de Emergências (EeE) O Banco de Indicadores da EeE da UNRWA foi desenvolvido em complemento ao UNRWA Common Monitoring Framework (CMF), que inclui indicadores obrigatórios para medir o desempenho do programa de Educação da UNRWA. O principal objetivo de estabelecer o Banco de Indicadores da EeE é fortalecer e harmonizar a monitorização e a avaliação das atividades da EeE implementadas nos Campos de Operação da UNRWA.
Resource تحديد الالتزامات: المعايير الوطنية للهدف الرابع من أهداف التنمية المستدامة لتحويل التعليم Benchmark values define countries’ nationally determined contributions to the common education goal, using a concept embraced by the climate change sector. They enable the monitoring of progress to be context-specific, recognizing countries’ starting points and education sector plans, helping link their national education agendas with regional and global agendas. In 2021, two in three countries committed to 2025 and 2030 target values for at least some of the benchmark indicators.
Resource Setting commitments: National SDG4 Benchmarks to Transform Education Benchmark values define countries’ nationally determined contributions to the common education goal, using a concept embraced by the climate change sector. They enable the monitoring of progress to be context-specific, recognizing countries’ starting points and education sector plans, helping link their national education agendas with regional and global agendas. In 2021, two in three countries committed to 2025 and 2030 target values for at least some of the benchmark indicators.