Blog [NEW RESOURCE] Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit We are excited to launch the Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit! Building on the Background Paper on Distance Education in Emergencies, this toolkit compiles resources on: inclusive education, education in emergencies, disability inclusive education, and distance education across the humanitarian-development nexus
Resource Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit The Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit compiles resources on: inclusive education, education in emergencies, disability inclusive education, and distance education across the humanitarian-development nexus.
Resource Inclusive Language Guide The language guide is divided into thematic sections, though many of the issues discussed intersect and some terms may be relevant to several categories. The guide is based on a set of Feminist Principles for Language Use and gives examples of how you can put these principles into practice in your writing and in day-to-day conversation.
Blog دمج الطلبة ذوي الإعاقة في المدرسة العامــة والمجتمع تكمن أهمية تعليم الطلبة ذوي الإعاقة في المدرسة العامــة جنباً إلى جنب مع أقرانهم من غير ذوي الإعاقة، كون هذه البيئة الطبيعية التي يَجب أن يكونوا فيها، فهي من أبسط حقوقهم في التعليم الجامع أسوة بغيرهم من الطلبة، وذلك ما دعمته العديد من القوانين التي حَثت على دمجهم في البيئة المدرسية العامة
News Ecole inclusive : la prise en charge des élèves en situation de handicap au Cameroun Au Cameroun, le droit à l’éducation et à la formation des personnes en situation de handicap est garanti par la loi. Mais dans les faits, comment est prise en compte l’inclusion des élèves en situation de handicap ?
Resource Inclusive Safeguarding This document states IDDC’s stance on disability-inclusive safeguarding, acting as a point of reference for our members. It is also a position paper and advocacy tool for demanding disability-inclusive safeguarding.
Resource مجموعة أدوات وموارد التعليم الجامع (الشامل للجميع) The Toolkit provides recommendations and resources to strengthen inclusive education programming to enable Save the Children to achieve greater successes in the provision of high-quality ECCD and basic education as promoted by the Quality Learning Framework, also in emergency and humanitarian context.
Resource Inclusive Education Resources and Toolkit The Toolkit provides recommendations and resources to strengthen inclusive education programming to enable Save the Children to achieve greater successes in the provision of high-quality ECCD and basic education as promoted by the Quality Learning Framework, also in emergency and humanitarian context.
Resource Los recursos y la caja de herramientas para la educación inclusiva La Caja de Herramientas proporciona recomendaciones y recursos para fortalecer programas de educación inclusiva que le permita a Save the Children lograr mayores éxitos en la provisión de alta-calidad de cuidados y desarrollo de la primera infancia y educación básica de calidad tal y como estipula el Quality Learning Framework, también en contextos de emergencia y humanitarios.
Resource La Boîte A Outils Et Ressources Pour l'Education Inclusive La Boîte A Outils contient une série de recommandations et de ressources afin de renforcer les programmes d'éducation inclusive et de permettre à Save the Children d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats en matière d'éducation de base et préscolaire de haute qualité, comme le préconise Quality Learning Framework, y compris dans les contextes d'urgence et humanitaires.