Resource Field Note: A Capabilities Response to the Design and Delivery of Distance Learning for the Most Educationally Marginalized Children during COVID-19 Kate Sykes outlines the TEAM Girl Malawi model for providing inclusive distance education to students living in extreme poverty, students with disabilities, and girls who are at risk of early marriage. It includes paper-based delivery, resilience and SEL skills, and in-person support from teachers.
Resource Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Accelerated Secondary Education The JRS and the SEWG, with support from INEE’s AEWG, worked together on a report to examine the relevance and appropriateness of SAEPs, the factors that enable and challenge the potential of SAEPs in supporting progress through and completion of secondary education, and the extent to which SAEPs are gender-responsive. This webinar presented the findings and recommendations of the report in five parts.
Resource Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Secondary Accelerated Education This report examines the relevance and appropriateness of SAEPs, which are currently available at the lower secondary level, and the extent to which these programmes can respond to the needs of overage learners who are likely to be in later stages of adolescence and youth, and whose socio-economic statuses pose greater challenges for accessing and continuing education.
Blog FAWE's gender-responsive school model: Gender equality and girls' success in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal and Mali FAWE, LARTES and Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie explore the effectiveness of FAWE's gender-responsive school model in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mali and Senegal.
Blog Le modèle des écoles sensibles au genre du FAWE : l’égalité des genres et le succès des filles au Burundi, République Démocratique du Congo, Sénégal et Mali FAWE, LARTES et la Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie explorent l'efficacité du modèle scolaire sensible au genre du FAWE au Burundi, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), au Mali et au Sénégal.
Resource Climate Change and Girls' Education: Barriers, Gender Norms and Pathways to Resilience This year’s research explores the relationship between climate change and girls’ education: what are the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on girls accessing school and completing their education? How do these impacts intersect with existing gendered barriers to education? And how is their education supporting girl to respond and adapt to climate change in their communities?
Resource Cambio climático y educación de las niñas: barreras, normas de género, y rutas hacia la resiliencia La investigación de este año explora la relación entre el cambio climático y la educación de las niñas: ¿cuáles son los impactos directos e indirectos del cambio climático sobre el acceso de las niñas a la escuela y la finalización de sus estudios? ¿Cómo se cruzan estos impactos con las barreras de género existentes a la educación? ¿Y cómo ayuda la educación de las niñas a responder y adaptarse al cambio climático en sus comunidades?
Resource Vrais choix, Vraies vies - Changement climatique et éducation des filles : entraves, normes sexistes et chemins La recherche de cette année explore la relation entre le changement climatique et l'éducation des filles : quels sont les impacts directs et indirects du changement climatique sur l'accès des filles à l'école et sur l'achèvement de leur éducation ? Comment ces impacts se recoupent-ils avec les barrières sexospécifiques existantes à l'éducation ? Et comment leur éducation aide-t-elle les filles à répondre et à s'adapter au changement climatique dans leurs communautés ?
Event Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Accelerated Secondary Education This webinar is on Gender-Responsive Secondary Accelerated Education and a report on examining the relevance and appropriateness of SAEPs, the factors that enable and challenge the potential of SAEPs in supporting progress through and completion of secondary education, and the extent to which SAEPs are gender-responsive. UTC
Resource Achieving Gender Equality in Education : Examining Progress and Constraints The World Bank is the largest external financier of education worldwide. This note examines trends in girls’ education and spotlights interventions that support girls’ education. Key takeaways include the following: It is simply not enough to get girls into school. Efforts must ensure they stay in school, learn well, and are able to translate their schooling into future gains.