Resource The Cost and Benefits of Education in Iraq Looking at Iraq Centre and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), this report aims to update the education situation, quantify the economic benefits of education, and identify sources of inefficiencies as well as key priority themes in the education sector with clear links to the National Education Strategy 2011-2020.
Resource Beyond Survival: The Rise of Education in Emergencies as Global Field and Profession This dissertation argues that this growing global focus indicates a dramatic shift in how the world responds to humanitarian crises and how it envisions the role of education.
Resource Case Study: Education for South Sudanese Refugees in Ethiopia An education programme for South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia illustrates the use of two complementary sets of standards: the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)’s Minimum Standards for Education and Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards
Resource منع التطرف العنيف من خلال التعليم - دليل لصانعي السيساسات This Guide targets education policy-makers, school staff and educators at large. It offers practical advice on what can be done within the education system, in schools and in all learning environments to support effective prevention measures.
Resource Preventing violent extremism through education: a guide for policy-makers This Guide targets education policy-makers, school staff and educators at large. It offers practical advice on what can be done within the education system, in schools and in all learning environments to support effective prevention measures.
Resource La Prévention de l'extrémisme violent par l'éducation: guide à l'intention des décideurs politiques Le présent guide s’adresse aux responsables de l’élaboration des politiques éducatives, au personnel scolaire et à l’ensemble des éducateurs. Il propose des conseils pratiques sur les actions à mener au sein du système éducatif, dans les écoles et dans tous les contextes d’apprentissage pour renforcer les mesures de prévention efficaces.
Resource Refugee Education: The Crossroads of Globalization In this article, I probe a question at the core of comparative education—how to realize the right to education for all and ensure opportunities to use that education for future participation in society.
Resource Planning For the Inclusion of Displaced Populations in the Education Sector: Preliminary Reflections This e-Forum was designed to provide a space to discuss challenges and strategies for planning education for displaced populations.It revolved around 3 overarching themes: access, quality and management. These linked themes each play an important role in planning education for displaced populations.
Resource Guide pour la Préparation d’un plan de transition de l’éducation En réponse à l’appel lancé prônant davantage d’efforts et d’investissements dans les contextes de crise et les situations difficiles, ce guide est conçu pour aider les pays à préparer un Plan de transition de l’éducation (PTE).
Resource إعداد الخطة االنتقالية للتعليم وقــد تــم تصميــم هــذه األدلــة اســتجابة للدعــوات المناديــة باالســتثمار وبــذل جهــد أكبــر فــي حــاالت األزمــات، لمســاعدة الــدول علــى إعــداد الخطــة االنتقاليــة للتعليــم.