Planning For the Inclusion of Displaced Populations in the Education Sector: Preliminary Reflections

At the end of 2015, 65.3 million people were forcibly displaced, either as refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs), the highest number of displaced persons globally since the end of the Second World War. Measured against the world’s population of 7.4 billion, one in every 113 people is now either a refugee, IDP, or asylum-seeker. According to the most recent estimates by the UNHCR, there are 3.2 million asylum seekers and 21.3 million refugees globally and 40.8 million IDPs.

This e-Forum was designed to provide a space to discuss challenges and strategies for planning education for displaced populations.It revolved around 3 overarching themes: access, quality and management. These linked themes each play an important role in planning education for displaced populations. By focusing on two sub-themes within each of these themes, the e-Forum discussions addressed specific challenges and potential solutions.

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Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict (PEIC), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


Inclusive Education
Education Policy