Resource Operational Guidance on Breastfeeding Counselling in Emergencies This Operational Guidance on Breastfeeding Counselling in Emergencies (OG-BFC/E) is a pragmatic guide which covers key considerations and potential adaptations when applying WHO’s 2018 guidelines in an emergency setting.
Resource Mapping School-based Security Measures: Measuring the impact on access to education and the psychosocial wellbeing of learners This is a summary and policy companion to a larger mapping exercise on how EiE and CPHA actors measure four categories of school-based, physical security interventions that address external threats of conflict and violence, as well as their relationship with access to education and the psychosocial wellbeing of learners.
Resource Mapeo de las intervenciones de seguridad basadas en la escuela: Medir el impacto en el acceso a la educación y el bienestar psicosocial de los estudiantes Este es un resumen y un complemento de políticas para un ejercicio de mapeo más amplio sobre cómo los actores de EeE y CPHA miden cuatro categorías de intervenciones de seguridad física basadas en la escuela que abordan las amenazas externas de conflicto y violencia, así como su relación con el acceso a la educación y el bienestar psicosociales de los estudiantes.
Resource La cartographie des mesures de sécurité en milieu scolaire : Mesurer l’impact sur l’accès à l’éducation et le bien-être psychosocial des apprenants Ceci est le résumé et complément politique de l’exercice de cartographie sur la façon dont les acteurs de l’ESU et de la CPHA mesurent quatre catégories d’interventions de sécurité physique en milieu scolaire. Elles répondent aux menaces externes de conflit et de violence, ainsi que leur relation avec l’accès à l’éducation et le bien-être psychosocial des apprenants.
Resource Mapeamento das medidas de segurança baseadas na escola:Avaliação do impacto sobre o acesso à educação e no bem-estar psicossocial dos alunos e alunas Este documento é um sumário e um compêndio de políticas associado a um exercício de mapeamento mais abrangente sobre a forma como os atores da EeE e da Proteção da Criança na Ação Humanitária em contextos humanitários avaliam quatro categorias de intervenções de segurança física baseadas na escola, que abordam as ameaças externas de conflito e violência, assim como a sua relação com o acesso à educação e o bem-estar psicossocial dos alunos e das alunas.
Resource Nurturing Care Handbook The World Health Organization and UNICEF in collaboration with partners have developed the Nurturing Care Handbook. Like the Nurturing Care Framework, the Handbook is organized around five strategic actions.
Resource موارد ومصادر " أهلا سمسم" This page includes material and activity ideas for young children ages 0-8 that can help them recognize their big emotions, name them, and learn strategies to cope with them in a healthy manner. The resources are sorted by social-emotional topic area.
Resource Ahlan Simsim Resources This page includes material and activity ideas for young children ages 0-8 that can help them recognize their big emotions, name them, and learn strategies to cope with them in a healthy manner. The resources are sorted by social-emotional topic area.
Resource الالتزامات الأساسية إزاء الأطفال الالتزامات الأساسية إزاء الأطفال في مجال العمل الإنساني هي سياسة اليونيسف وإطار عملها الأساسيان للعمل الإنساني، وتكمُن في صميم عملنا لإعمال حقوق الأطفال المتأثرين بالأزمات الإنسانية.
Resource Core Commitments for Children The Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action – the CCCs – are the core UNICEF policy and framework for humanitarian action. They are at the heart of our work on upholding the rights of children affected by humanitarian crises.