During the past years – as an outcome of the UN Study on Violence against Children - Save the Children (SC) has focused much of its protection and education work on physical and psychological punishment in and around schools. Singling out punishment issues from its context of effective teaching and classroom management may have resulted in less impact than expected.
The International Rescue Committee established the Child and Youth Protection and Development (CYPD) technical unit in 1997 in order to strengthen its ability to respond to the complex needs of children and youth in conflict and post-conflict settings.
The overall objective of this handbook is to inform the design and implementation of cost-effective, affordable, sustainable and scalable school feeding programmes.
Against this background, IIEP-UNESCO undertook a wide range of studies on capacity development for achieving EFA. The focus is on educational planning and management because stronger capacities in these areas may have an important spill-over effect on the system as a whole.
1 January 2009
Case Study
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)
This paper is a part of a wider research project on education in fragile contexts being undertaken under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE). It asks how education can be delivered effectively in Afghanistan and how it contributes to, or mitigates, fragility.
The review examines the post-war period in particular, from the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in 1995 through to the present day. For the purposes of this review, ‘fragility’ is understood as referring to the multiple transitions the BiH State and society are currently undergoing, and the many challenges inherent in these transitions.
Community participation is a common phrase in the development and education sectors, along with accompanying terms of good governance, rights, ownership and accountability. Despite the challenges, communities can contribute greatly to reconstruction efforts and conflict resolution.
Exposure to adversity does not necessarily lead to the development of psychopathology in all affected children. This study examined the factors associated with resilience and vulnerability in mental health in the Gaza Strip in 2007.
The main objectives of this Operational Guide are to generate knowledge, guide analytical and technical work, and facilitate policy dialogue and decision making. The document aims to serve policy makers, planning officers, and development partners.
These guidelines deal specifically with water, sanitation and hygiene, and are designed to be used in schools in low-cost settings in low- and medium-resource countries
The analytic framework can be used to examine the linkages and intersections between different conditions of fragility and education components and processes.
The Toolkit also integrates existing information and tools designed by other national or international organizations dedicated to promoting and providing training on gender equality in education and other sectors.
This policy brief, part of Save the Children's Rewrite the Future campaign, looks at the following aspects of attacks on schools: schools under attack; contravening international law; education as an investment in peace; and call to action.
A range of experts argue that how language is used in schools for delivering the curriculum is an important factor in whether or not children succeed in education.
This book reviews some alternative education programmes, including those providing alternative access, such as accelerated learning programmes and home-based or community-based schools. It also examines programmes that are alternative in curriculum provision, offering non-traditional subjects such as HIV and AIDS prevention or landmine awareness, and those that provide an alternative pedagogy, using more learner-centred and participatory techniques.
Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments, Specialized Booklet 3. Teaching Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings The UNESCO publication Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments (ILFE) offers a holistic, practical means to make schools and classrooms more inclusive, learning-friendly and gender-sensitive.
Oshikoto region is exposed to many hazards that include hydrometeor logical hazards particularly floods droughts and wild fires as well as epidemiological hazards mostly acute watery diarrhea and malaria outbreaks.
In recent years the Region has be prone to recurrent droughts, floods, and veldt fires, human and animal diseases. The Cuvelai ecological area of the Region is characterized by thousands of shallow drainage channels locally known as oshanas. Flooding of the oshanas in the Cuvelai normally occurs after heavy local rains or good rainfalls in the highlands of neighboring Angola.
Ohangwena region borders Angola on the northern part, Kavango region in the east, Oshana and Oshikoto regions in the west and south respectively. Recent disaster trends show that the frequency and severity of disaster occurrence in the region is on the increase. Communities get out of drought direct into flooding and epidemic diseases cross-cut periods of other disaster occurrences.