Recurso L’enseignement secondaire et le mariage d’enfants dans les situations de déplacement forcé et de crise La note d’information présente un aperçu des actions et des approches visant à prévenir le mariage d’enfants pendant l’enseignement secondaire dans les situations de déplacement forcé et de crise. Elle montre comment un enseignement secondaire inclusif et sensible au genre peut aider les adolescentes exposées au risque de mariage, mariées ou ayant été mariées, enceintes et/ou jeunes mères
Recurso Secondary Education and Child Marriage in Forced Displacement and Crisis Settings The brief presents an overview of actions and approaches to address child marriage within secondary education in forced displacement and crisis-affected settings. It showcases how gender-responsive and inclusive secondary education can support adolescent girls who are at risk of marriage, ever married, pregnant and/or young mothers.
Recurso Breaking down barriers: increasing girls’ access to and completion of secondary education in Kakuma This report allows us to understand the key barriers to access and completion of secondary education, especially for girls, across the seven secondary schools in Kakuma run by JRS where we work as the UNHCR implementing partner for secondary education.
Recurso Youth Voices on Secondary Education in Crisis Contexts This paper delves into the narratives of refugee youth navigating secondary education in crisis contexts, by intertwining semi-structured interviews and photovoice diaries. The aim is not only to amplify the voices of young refugee students but to empower them as active agents in shaping policies that directly impact their education.
Recurso Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Accelerated Secondary Education The JRS and the SEWG, with support from INEE’s AEWG, worked together on a report to examine the relevance and appropriateness of SAEPs, the factors that enable and challenge the potential of SAEPs in supporting progress through and completion of secondary education, and the extent to which SAEPs are gender-responsive. This webinar presented the findings and recommendations of the report in five parts.
Recurso Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Secondary Accelerated Education This report examines the relevance and appropriateness of SAEPs, which are currently available at the lower secondary level, and the extent to which these programmes can respond to the needs of overage learners who are likely to be in later stages of adolescence and youth, and whose socio-economic statuses pose greater challenges for accessing and continuing education.
Evento Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Accelerated Secondary Education This webinar is on Gender-Responsive Secondary Accelerated Education and a report on examining the relevance and appropriateness of SAEPs, the factors that enable and challenge the potential of SAEPs in supporting progress through and completion of secondary education, and the extent to which SAEPs are gender-responsive. UTC
Recurso The Missing Piece: Secondary Education in Crisis Contexts This webinar presented the key findings, gaps, and tensions that define the state of secondary education in emergencies to better understand the different and intersecting factors that influence accessibility to and the quality of secondary education.
Evento The Missing Piece: Secondary Education in Crisis Contexts This webinar will present the key findings, gaps, and tensions that define the state of secondary education in emergencies. UTC
Recurso The missing piece: Secondary education in crisis contexts This paper provides an overview of secondary education in crisis contexts, highlighting the current issues, challenges, and thematic areas that help or hinder adolescents’ access to quality learning opportunities. It is an evidence-informed, analytical, and high-level summary of current debates and tensions in the field, and is intended to be read by government leaders, humanitarian sector policy makers, and practitioners to guide and support advocacy and decision-making processes