Self-Regulation Assessment-Assessor Report (SRA-AR) - Lebanon
The Self-Regulation Assessment-Assessor Report (SRA-AR) is a measurement tool used to capture assessors’ perceptions of children’s skills at regulating their behavior during an assessment. The SRA-AR was developed based on the Preschool Self-Regulation Assessment-Assessor Report (PSRA-AR) (Smith-Donald et al., 2007). The developers tested this measurement tool in Lebanon.
See Self-Regulation Assessment-Assessor Report (SRA-AR) - Niger for a different version of this measurement tool.
Evidence Snapshot
The developers provide evidence that SRA-AR measures behavioral regulation with good reliability. They also provide evidence that the measure functioned and was understood in the same way by children: with access and without access to social and emotional learning (SEL) programming; at the beginning, middle, and the end of the school year; across gender; and across ages. In addition, scores on SRA-AR were moderately correlated across the three time points within a school year, suggesting relative stability of assessor-reported children’s behavioral regulation over time.
4,598 Syrian refugee children aged 5-15 enrolled in Lebanese public schools in two governorates in Lebanon
Measure Snapshot
For what?
Program evaluation
About what?
Social-emotional Skills
Paper/pencil format
Enumerator/Data Collector
By what method?