Recurso Boîte à outil pour le plaidoyer : Orienter les décisions visant à améliorer la vie des enfants L'UNICEF a une histoire exceptionnelle de plaidoyer pour protéger et promouvoir les droits des enfants et des femmes. La Boîte à outils pour le plaidoyer en découle, en systématisant et en coordonnant l'expertise interne et externe en matière de plaidoyer, ainsi qu'en développant quelques approches innovantes.
Recurso Advocacy Toolkit: A guide to influencing decisions that improve children's lives UNICEF has an exceptional history of advocating to protect and promote children’s and women’s rights. The Advocacy Toolkit stems from this, systematizing and coordinating both internal and external advocacy expertise, as well developing a few innovative approaches. The Toolkit provides a set of practical tools to help UNICEF staff and partners in the development and management of their advocacy work.
Recurso الوحدة 14: حقوق الإنسان والمساءلة في نهاية هذه الجلسة سيكون المشاركون على اطلاع بما يلي: حقوق الإنسان كأدوات لتحقيق حياة كريمة وأطر قانونية مختلفة لأنواع متعددة من حالات الطوارئ, مجال وحدود العمل في مجال حقوق الإنسان، ومفهوم ’عدم التسبب بالأذى‘, مجموعة التعليم في اللجنة الدائمة المشتركة بين الوكالات والدور المحتمل لجهات التعليم الفاعلة الأخرى في مساعدة الأطراف الفاعلة الرئيسة المناطة بعهدتها حقوق الإنسان.
Recurso EiE Harmonized Training Module 14: Human Rights and Accountability At the end of this session participants will have gained an awareness of human rights as tools for achieving a life in dignity and different legal frameworks for various types of emergencies; key duty-bearers, actions to support rights-holders and lines of accountability available to affected populations; the scope and limitations of human rights work, and ‘do no harm’
Recurso Module 14 : Droits humains et responsabilité A la fin de cette session, les participants verront que les droits humains permettent de vivre dans la dignité et d’établir différents cadres juridiques selon les types de situations d’urgence; connaîtront les principaux acteurs responsables, les actions majeures; et connaîtront la portée et les limites de l’action en faveur des droits humains et 'Ne pas nuire'
Recurso Getting it Right for Children: A practitioner's guide to child rights programming Drawing on Save the Children's experience around the world, this guide provides ideas and tools that will enable development and humanitarian workers to put children and their rights at the centre of their programmes.
Recurso Haciendo lo correcto por las niñas y los niños: Una guía sobre programación de derechos del niño para profesionales Esta guía para profesionales que desean realizar la programación de los derechos del niño (PDN) le ayudará a aplicar los principios y valores de los derechos del niño en cada una de las etapas de su programación.
Recurso العمل الحقوقي من أجل الأطفال: دليل الممارسين في البرمجة المبنية على حقوق الطفل Drawing on Save the Children's experience around the world, this guide provides ideas and tools that will enable development and humanitarian workers to put children and their rights at the centre of their programmes.
Recurso What is Sport for Development and Peace? Sport for Development and Peace refers to the intentional use of sport, physical activity and play to attain specific development and peace objectives, including, most notably, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Successful Sport for Development and Peace programs work to realize the rights of all members of society to participate in sport and leisure activities.
Recurso INEE Thematic Issue Brief: Human Rights Human rights in emergencies are the same as human rights at all times and in all situations; they do not disappear, cannot be diluted, or put on hold. The right to education is a human right and an end in itself, ensuring humans can reach their full potential and claim their other rights.