Blog مصادر متنوعة للاستجابة للفيضانات في ليبيا قائمة من المصادر لدعم التعليم والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي ورفاهية المتعلمين والمعلمين والمتضررين من الفيضانات في ليبيا.
Blog Libya Flooding Response Resources A list of resources to support the provision of education and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the flooding in Libya.
Blog مصادر الاستجابة للزلازل في المغرب تهدف المصادر التالية إلى تقديم التعليم والدعم النفسي والاجتماعي وتحسين رفاهية المتعلمين والمعلمين والمتضررين من الزلزال الذي ضرب المغرب مؤخراً. ستتم مراجعة وتحديث هذه القائمة من المصادر بشكل دوري
Blog Morocco Earthquake Response Resources A list of resources to support the provision of education and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the earthquake in Morocco.
Blog Ressources pour les interventions en réponse au tremblement de terre au Maroc Une liste de ressources pour soutenir l'éducation, le soutien psychosocial et le bien-être des apprenants, du personnel enseignant et des personnes affectées par le tremblement de terre au Maroc.
Recurso Unlocking Potential: The right to education and opportunity education The 2023 UNHCR Refugee Education Report draws on data from more than 70 countries worldwide to provide the most detailed picture yet of the state of refugee education and enrolment. Its findings reveal that despite areas of progress, more than half of the world’s 14.8 million school-aged refugee children remain out of formal education, risking their future prosperity and denying them the chance to fulfil their potential.
Recurso Education in Emergency and Child Protection Joint Needs Assessment: Myanmar The Education in Emergency (EiE) and Child Protection (CP) Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) aims to provide further evidence on the current situation of children in Myanmar.
Recurso The imperial entanglements of ‘Education in Emergencies’: from saving souls to saving schools? This paper reflects historically and contemporaneously on the relationship between ‘International Education and Development’ actors and foreign intervention in our colonial past and present, with a particular focus on Education in Emergencies (EiE), a sub-field of research and practice within ‘International Education and Development’.
Noticias UNESCO : Haïti et la Suisse créent le Groupe pour l’éducation en situation d’urgence Initié par la République d’Haïti et la Confédération Suisse, le Groupe pour l’éducation en situation d’urgence a officiellement vu le jour le lundi 17 juillet avec la tenue de sa première réunion de haut niveau à l’UNESCO, après plus de six mois de gestation et de travail.
Recurso Crisis-Affected Children and Adolescents in Need of Education Support: New Global Estimates and Thematic Deep Dives This report presents an update of the 2022 ECW global figures of out-of-school children in emergencies and their educational outcomes, using an updated three-stage methodology.