Blog Towards Evidence-Based Financing for Education in Emergencies This page introduces a blog series by INEE and NORRAG to promote discussion of and explore the linkages between financing and evidence for education in emergencies (EiE).
Recurso Measuring the implementation of early childhood development programs In this paper we describe ways to measure variables of interest when evaluating the implementation of a program to improve early childhood development (ECD). The variables apply to programs delivered to parents in group sessions and home or clinic visits, as well as in early group care for children.
Recurso ICT for M&E of Education Programming for Refugee Populations This webinar features innovative ways to use Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the monitoring and evaluation of education programming for refugee populations.
Recurso IFRC Monitoring and evaluation framework for psychosocial support interventions Toolbox The toolbox contains guidance and tools (sample templates) for data collection in M&E of PSS programmes. The tools can be adapted to PSS programme, depending upon target group, activities and scope. These are tools that may be useful for your programme and many are drawn from existing PSS programme M&E tools, but they are not an exhaustive list. They can act as an inspiration and supplement to other existing tools.
Recurso Evaluation of Humanitarian Action (EHA) Guide The Evaluation of Humanitarian Action Guide supports evaluation specialists and non-specialists in every stage of an evaluation, from initial decision to final dissemination.
Recurso Straight Talk Foundation - peacebuilding with Youth in Karamoja This is an InsightShare participatory video for M&E. In 2015, UNICEF HQ Communication for Development and UNICEF Uganda invited InsightShare to build capacity on PV MSC and conduct a programmatic evaluation of C4D activities in peacebuilding in Karamoja, Uganda.
Recurso Guide: Effective social and emotional learning programs. The 2013 CASEL Guide: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs—Preschool and Elementary School Edition provides a systematic framework for evaluating the quality of classroom-based SEL programs.
Recurso Evaluation of UNICEF’s Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition Programme: Angola Case Study The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) programme began in 2006 as a five-year, US$201 million-dollar partnership between UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands, intended to support the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education For All (EFA) movement.
Recurso الوحدة السابعة: تخطيط وتصميم برامج التعليم في حالات الطوارئ سيتمكن المشاركون في نهاية هذه الجلسة التدريبية من: تحليل الوضع القائم من خلال معلومات التقييم للتمكن من صياغة إستراتيجية للإستجابة الفاعلة , توظيف الحد الأدنى لمعايير الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ في إعداد برامج شاملة للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ, استخدام نموذج لتصميم خطة للاستجابة لحالات الطوار
Recurso EiE Harmonized Training Module 7: Programme Design, Monitoring and Evaluation At the end of this session participants will be able to analyse a situation through assessment data to formulate an effective response strategy, utilise the INEE Minimum Standards to create a comprehensive emergency education programme, and design emergency response plan through identifying activities, supply needs, actors, time frames and the target beneficiaries