Recurso Joint Pledge of the Alliance and INEE - GRF 2023 Global Refugee Forum 2023 - Joint Pledge of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance) & the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) - Supporting Integrated Approaches to Child Protection and Education in Refugee and Displacement Situations.
Recurso Compromiso conjunto de la INEE y La Alianza - GRF 2023 Foro Mundial sobre los Refugiados 2023 - Compromiso conjunto de la Alianza para la Protección de la Niñez en la Acción Humanitaria (La Alianza) y la Red Interagencial para la Educación en Situaciones de Emergencia (INEE) - Apoyo a los enfoques integrados para la protección de la niñez y la educación en situaciones de refugio y desplazamiento.
Recurso Engagement commun de l'Alliance et de l'INEE - GRF 2023 Forum mondial sur les réfugiés 2023 - Engagement commun de l'Alliance pour la protection de l'enfance dans l'Action humanitaire (l'Alliance) et le Réseau Inter-agences pour l'Éducation en situations d'Urgence (INEE) - Soutenir des approches intégrées de la protection de l'enfance et de l'éducation dans les situations de refuge et de déplacement.
Recurso Compromisso conjunto da Aliança e da INEE - GRF 2023 Fórum Global sobre Refugiados 2023 - Compromisso conjunto da Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance) da Rede Interinstitucional para a Educação em Situações de Emergência (INEE) - Apoio a abordagens integradas de proteção e educação de crianças em situações de pessoas refugiadas e deslocadas.
Blog Avances desde el Foro Mundial sobre los Refugiados de 2019 (GRF blog 2/3) Este blog forma parte de una serie breve producida por la INEE y la Alianza para la Protección de la Niñez en la Acción Humanitaria sobre el modo en que ambas redes están participando en el Foro Mundial sobre los Refugiados 2023.
Recurso Building Inclusive Education Systems for Refugees This brief advances knowledge on the current state of inclusion of refugee learners. It is based on several separate but complementary studies carried out by UNICEF Innocenti, UNHCR, and UNESCO, and was developed to share common inter-agency findings, gaps, and learnings.
Recurso Including Refugee Learners in National Education Systems This report discusses how the inclusion of refugees in national education systems is understood, and how it can be achieved.
Recurso A global overview of refugee education data This report is based on a review of 1,109 questionnaires from 621 data collection exercises in the top 35 low- and middle-income refugee-hosting countries in 2021, welcoming 20.58 million refugees. It aims to provide an overview of the extent to which refugees are included in education data systems but does not provide estimates of refugee inclusion of education based on these data.
Recurso Towards evidence-based policy-making for refugee education This report aims to contribute to an emerging landscape on refugee inclusion in national education systems by exploring the relationship between policy and data within a broader narrative of inclusion, from arrival in the host country to the achievement of durable solutions
Recurso Building Inclusive Education Systems for Refugees In this webinar, we explored effective strategies for the inclusion of refugees in national education systems. Drawing on several complementary research studies by UNHCR, UNICEF Innocenti, and UNESCO, the panel presented promising practices to highlight the opportunities and challenges of effective inclusion.