Joint Pledge of the Alliance and INEE - GRF 2023

Supporting Integrated Approaches to Child Protection and Education in Refugee and Displacement Situations

Global Refugee Forum 2023 - Joint Pledge of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance) & the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

The Alliance and INEE pledge the following:

  1. Capacity and knowledge sharing amongst Child Protection and Education practitioners - The Alliance and INEE commit to facilitating capacity and knowledge sharing opportunities for child protection and education practitioners working with and supporting refugee and displaced populations at all levels, within local, national, and international organizations. This includes support for the roll-out, uptake, and contextualization of standards and accompanying tools and guidance.
  1. The promotion of evidence-based approaches to Education and Child Protection integration - The Alliance and the INEE commit to promoting evidence-based approaches to support enhanced integration of child protection and education in refugee and displacement contexts. We will work with our members and partners to better understand the impact of refugee and displacement situations on the protection and education of children and young people, and use this evidence to improve our technical standards and guidance, capacity sharing efforts, and advocacy.
  1. Collective action for collective impact: Joint advocacy on child protection and education integration - The Alliance and INEE commit to scaling up our collective advocacy efforts to enhance the prioritization of integrated approaches to education and child protection in refugee and displacement responses. We will elevate the voices of our members, and of children and young people affected by refugee and displacement situations, to ensure all children and young people are central to the response, and have the opportunity to participate meaningfully in decisions that impact their lives. We will advocate with key stakeholders to prioritize and resource education and child protection integration, joining efforts to strengthen national education and child protection systems and the inclusion of refugee children.

Download the file in the language of your choice to read the full pledge. Read more about the pledge in this blog post.

Resource Info

Resource Type

Advocacy Statement


Published by

Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Child Protection