Blog مصادر الاستجابة للزلازل في المغرب تهدف المصادر التالية إلى تقديم التعليم والدعم النفسي والاجتماعي وتحسين رفاهية المتعلمين والمعلمين والمتضررين من الزلزال الذي ضرب المغرب مؤخراً. ستتم مراجعة وتحديث هذه القائمة من المصادر بشكل دوري
Blog Morocco Earthquake Response Resources A list of resources to support the provision of education and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the earthquake in Morocco.
Blog Ressources pour les interventions en réponse au tremblement de terre au Maroc Une liste de ressources pour soutenir l'éducation, le soutien psychosocial et le bien-être des apprenants, du personnel enseignant et des personnes affectées par le tremblement de terre au Maroc.
Recurso Learning on the margins: An assessment of learner and educator well-being outcomes in the midst of and following contagion and conflict in Palestine This research has tracked learner well-being over the past four scholastic years across a sample of schools in West Bank and Gaza, and teacher well-being in the same schools over the two most recent years (2021-22, 2022-23 scholastic years) through further analysis of data collected as part of NRC’s Better Learning Programme.
Recurso Household Shocks and Adolescent Well‑Being in Peru This paper explores the linkages between exposure to household shocks across early life and children’s educational and well-being outcomes in Peru. We use longitudinal survey data for a sample of 1713 children from five rounds of the Young Lives Survey to investigate how exposure to shocks across early life is linked to test scores and well-being in adolescence and to determine the extent to which critical periods of shock exposure exist.
Recurso Winning the Game: How Sport for Development supports the psychological well-being of adolescent refugees This report looks at how S4D can be used to improve the mental health of programme participants, therefore focusing on a crucial outcome of psychological wellbeing.
Blog Recursos para a resposta aos sismos na Turquia e na Síria Uma lista de recursos para apoiar a oferta de educação, o apoio psicossocial e o bem-estar de estudantes, professoras/es e de todas as pessoas que foram afetadas pelos sismos na Turquia e na Síria.
Blog Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Response Resources A list of resources to support the provision of education, and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.
Blog Recursos de respuesta al terremoto de Turquía y Siria Listado de recursos para apoyar la prestación de servicios educativos, así como el apoyo psicosocial y el bienestar de estudiantes, docentes y personas afectadas por los terremotos de Turquía y Siria.
Blog Ressources pour la réponse aux tremblements de terre en Turquie et en Syrie Une liste de ressources pour soutenir l’accès à l’éducation et le soutien psychosocial et le bien-être pour les apprenants, le personnel enseignant et celles et ceux qui ont été affectés par les tremblements de terre en Turquie et en Syrie.