Evento Orientation to the Guidance Note on Supporting Integrated Approaches to Child Protection and Education Programming INEE and the Alliance for Child Protection invite you to a webinar on the recently released Guidance Note for Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Acton. UTC
Recurso Coordination in Practice: Lessons from ECD Coordination in Challenging Contexts Sesame Workshop and the UVA Humanitarian Collaborative partnered to better understand the success factors and challenges in the coordination of multi-sectoral ECD particularly in areas affected by conflict and crisis. In this webinar, we presented learnings and share assets that the cohort has produced so far and that can support practitioners in their work.
Recurso Quick Tips and Good Practice: Strengthening Coordination of Early Childhood Development in Crisis Context This guidance note offers practical tips on coordinating ECD in emergencies (ECDiE) and good practice examples provided by the ECDiE Coordinator Learning Cohort, facilitated by Sesame Workshop and the Humanitarian Collaborative at the University of Virginia (UVA). These examples and tips are intended to be applicable across a variety of crisis contexts globally.
Blog مليون دولار امريكي: إستثمار صندوق التعليم لا ينتظر للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ يعلن صندوق "التعليم لا ينتظر" استثمار جديد بقيمة مليون دولار أمريكي مقدم للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ. تساهم هذه المنحة في تعزيز نطاق التأثير الجماعي، بهدف تحسين النتائج التعليمية للأطفال المتأثرين بالأزمات.
Blog ECW Announces New US$1 Million Investment to INEE New Education Cannot Wait Acceleration Facility grant to INEE will scale up collective impact to improve educational outcomes for crisis-affected children.
Blog ECW anuncia una nueva contribución de 1 millón de USD a la INEE La nueva subvención del Mecanismo de Aceleración "La educación no puede esperar" a la INEE ampliará el impacto colectivo para mejorar los resultados educativos de los niños y niñas afectados por crisis.
Blog ECW annonce un nouveau financement de 1 million USD à l’INEE La nouvelle subvention du dispositif d'accélération d’Éducation Sans Délai à l’INEE accordée à l’INEE permettra d'intensifier l'impact collectif afin d'améliorer les résultats scolaires des enfants touchés par une situation de crise.
Blog ECW anuncia novo investimento de US$ 1 milhão para a INEE O novo subsídio do Mecanismo de Aceleração do fundo A Educação Não Pode Esperar (Education Cannot Wait) para a INEE ampliará o impacto coletivo para melhorar os resultados educacionais de crianças afetadas por crises.
Recurso Guidance on Anticipatory Action in Education The purpose of this document is to explain how Save the Children’s approach to Anticipatory Action can be applied to our education programming.
Evento Coordination in Practice: Lessons from ECD Coordination in Challenging Contexts The INEE Early Childhood Development Working Group, Sesame Workshop, Moving Minds Alliance, and the University of Virginia’s Humanitarian Collaborative (UVA) are pleased to invite you to join us for a webinar on the learnings and assets produced by the Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE) Coordinator Learning Cohort Initiative! UTC