Blog Apresentação do Quadro Estratégico da INEE 2018-2023 Este documento pretende orientar a rede, ou seja, todos nós, no sentido de desempenhar um papel cada vez mais eficiente na garantia de educação de qualidade, relevante e em condições de segurança, para todas as pessoas afetadas por emergências ou crises prolongadas.
Blog Regulating private actors in education – also in emergencies! INEE Advocacy Coordinator Peter Hyll-Larsen argues for caution and regulation in regards to public private partnerships, including in emergency settings.
Noticias Few Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon Get Into Secondary Education A report released last month has confirmed what has long been suspected—that the educational pipeline in Jordan and Lebanon has collapsed. In particular, refugee youth are not flowing through secondary schools—to graduation, or up into vocational or higher education.
Recurso Youth Advocacy Toolkit This toolkit is for any young person who wants to start their own advocacy campaign. If you are a teacher or a facilitator, you can also use this toolkit with your group to inspire them to work out which children’s rights issues they care about and how to go about creating the change they want to see.
Recurso EiE Advocacy Using Human Rights Approaches This webinar, hosted by the INEE Advocacy Working Group discussed running successful advocacy campaigns for education in emergencies - using a human rights based approach. AWG members shared their knowledge and experiences developing and using advocacy strategies both on a national and international level and highlighted successful campaigns on several topics.
Recurso Habla a favor de ella y su mundo A través de pautas paso a paso, este kit de herramientas Proporcionarle el apoyo que necesita. Ejemplos reales de iniciativas de defensa lideradas por niñas de en todo el mundo ayudará a traer los pasos de este Kit de herramientas para la vida y resaltar las infinitas posibilidades. para el cambio cuando las niñas y mujeres jóvenes toman acción.
Recurso Prendre la parole pour elle et son monde Si vous cherchez à améliorer vos compétences en matière de plaidoyer, à agir dans votre communauté ou à aider votre organisation ou votre groupe à lancer une campagne, cette boîte à outils est fait pour vous. Grâce à des directives étape par étape, elle vous apportera le soutien dont vous avez besoin.
Recurso التحدث علًنا لأجل عالمها وستوفر لكِ هذه حزمة الدعم الذي تحتاجينه خلال المبادئ التوجيهية التدريجية وستساعدك الأمثلة الحقيقية لمبادئ المناصرة التي تقودها الفتاة من أنحاء العالم على تطبيق خطوات حزمة الأدوات على أرض. الواقع، وإبراز الإمكانيات اللانهائية من أجل التغييرعندما تتخذ الفتيات والشابات الإجراءات. وفي نهاية حزمة الأدوات، ستكونين أنتِ وفريقكِ مجهزات تجهيزًا كاملاً بالأدوات اللازمة للخروج وبدء الحملة من أجل التغيير.
Recurso Speak out for Her World If you are looking to improve your advocacy skills, take action in your community, or help your organisation or group to start a campaign, this toolkit is for you. Through step-by-step guidelines this toolkit will provide you with the support you need.
Recurso EiE Sector Mapping, 2018 In July 2018, INEE and Porticus (a private philanthropy organization) completed a survey of INEE Membership to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the EiE sector. This presentation reflects the outcomes of the survey.