Evento INEE Publication Launch: Mind the Gap and Closing the Gap - the State of Girls' Education in Crisis Contexts The purpose of this webinar was to promote uptake of the Mind the Gap report and Closing the Gap policy paper. The webinar situated the report and policy paper in the broader gender and EiE landscape, including global commitments like the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education.
Recurso Mind the Gap: The State of Girls’ Education in Crisis and Conflict This report summarizes progress, gaps, challenges and opportunities in improving education and training for girls and women affected by conflict and crisis. The report aims to support the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education’s commitment to enhance the evidence base and monitor progress toward gender-equitable education in crises.
Recurso Attention à l’écart : L’état de l’éducation des filles dans les crises et les conflits Ce rapport résume les progrès récents réalisés dans l'amélioration de l'éducation et de la formation des filles et des femmes touchées par les conflits et les crises, y compris les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées à l'intérieur du pays. L'objectif de ce rapport est de contribuer au corpus de données probantes factuelles sur l'éducation des filles et des femmes en situations de crise.
Blog Combler le fossé de l'équité et de l'inclusion : plaidoyer en faveur de l'éducation des adolescentes Un nouveau rapport publié aujourd'hui par le Réseau inter-agences pour l'Éducation en situations d'urgence (INEE), cherche à répondre à la question de savoir où en sont les progrès en matière d'éducation des filles depuis la signature de la Déclaration de Charlevoix.
Recurso Mind the Gap: Statistics At A Glance This INEE infographic visualizes key statistics from Mind the Gap: The State of Girls’ Education in Crisis and Conflict, a report which summarizes progress, gaps, challenges and opportunities in improving education and training for girls and women affected by conflict and crisis.
Blog Classes Stopped, But Learning Continued! This blog, part of the Committing to Change: Girls' EiE from Charlevoix to COVID-19, explores how Mercy Corps adapted their program implementation during COVID-19 to ensure that adolescent girls' education continued.
Recurso What we know about the gender digital divide for girls: A literature review This desk review summarises existing key data points, data sources and trends in adolescent girls’ access to and use of digital technology. It also highlights the gaps in the evidence base and where more research is needed.
Recurso Integrating LGBTQI+ Considerations into Education Programming This learning module introduces USAID staff and partners to principles and methods of integrating LGBTQI+ considerations into education programming.
Recurso When "We Know Nothing": Recommendations for Ethical Research and Learning with a This report presents recommendations for how international humanitarian agencies can better learn about and support the needs of LGBTQI people affected by conflict and displacement.
Blog Decolonizing COVID-19 Gender Data This blog, part of the Committing to Change: Girls' EiE from Charlevoix to COVID-19 blog series, explores how Equal Measures 2030 plans to use their data outputs to undertake advocacy with key stakeholders in 2021 on the critical role of data-driven advocacy in driving change on girls’ education.