Recurso School Assessment: Key Findings from the Education Partner Joint Assessment Key Findings from the Education Partner Joint Assessment Zimbabwe, February 2009
Recurso Developing a Baseline Survey or Monitoring Biophysical and Socio-economic Trends in Drought The Baseline Survey is to be initiated as part of the UNCCD's Ten Year Strategic Plan, and will form the starting point for monitoring long-term trends in desertification so that progress in implementing the UNCCD can be evaluated.
Recurso Competing Conceptual Frameworks in Emergency Education Interventions: A Multiple-Case Study Analysis This study analysed EE programs for displaced children and youths in slum areas around Bogotá, Colombia. The specific target area was the impact assessment and M&E carried out as this was identified as a little documented and underdeveloped area within EE.
Recurso Learning to live together: Design, monitoring and evaluation of education for life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights Learning to Live Together: Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Education for Life Skills, Citizenship, Peace and Human Rights. The guide focuses on the theme of ‘learning to live together’, which is one of four competencies identified as important by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century.
Recurso The Safe Schools Program: Student and Teacher Baseline Report on School-Related Gender-Based Violence in Malawi This report details the methodology, population characteristics, and results of a recently conducted survey on gender-based physical, psychological and sexual violence at schools including in the classroom and on the school grounds as well as going to and from school.
Recurso Education and Fragility: An Assessment Tool This Education and Fragility Assessment Tool was designed to help USAID missions and bureaus identify and analyze the links between education and fragility in failing, failed or recovering countries.
Recurso Monitoring and Evaluation in Post Conflict Settings The report identifies various constraints and challenges that USAID and its partners face in enforcing sound M&E standards and practices in postconflict societies, particularly in those where the United States has major strategic interests.
Recurso Youth and Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention This document examines key issues related to youth participation in violence; discusses lessons learned in developing programmes for at-risk youth; presents a range of programme options; includes illustrative monitoring and evaluation tools; and identifies relevant USAID mechanisms and partners.
Recurso Curriculum Report Card For this study, UNICEF Education Program Officers (EPOs) from nearly 60 countries answered questions about Life Skills, peace education, gender, reading and writing skills, and learning outcomes in national curricula.