Recurso The Abidjan Principles The Abidjan Principles are a reference point for governments, educators and education providers when debating the respective roles and duties of states and private actors in education. They compile and unpack existing legal obligations that States have regarding the delivery of education, and in particular the role and limitations of private actors in the provision of education.
Recurso Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration The Global Compact is the first inter-governmentally negotiated agreement, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, covering all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner
Recurso Inclusion and exclusion within a policy of national integration: refugee education in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp This article explores the impact of global policy shifts toward ‘national integration’ on schooling for refugee youth in Kenya. This study responds to calls for deeper sociological attention to education and global migration, as states expand educational opportunities for refugee populations while negotiating educational rights amongst citizens.
Recurso Pacto mundial sobre los refugiados La resolución subraya la importancia del pacto mundial sobre los refugiados como una representación de la voluntad política y la ambición de poner en práctica el principio de responsabilidad compartida, así como de movilizar a la comunidad internacional en su conjunto e impulsar la acción para mejorar la respuesta en situaciones de refugiados.
Recurso Pacte mondial sur les réfugiés Le pacte mondial pour les réfugiés vise à fournir une base pour un partage prévisible et équitable de la charge et des responsabilités entre tous les États membres des Nations unies, ainsi qu'avec d'autres parties prenantes concernées, le cas échéant. Il représente la volonté politique de renforcer la coopération et la solidarité avec les réfugiés et les pays d'accueil touchés.
Recurso اﻻﺗﻔقﺎ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲﻤ ﺑﺄﺸ ناﻟﺟﻼﺌﻴﻦ تم اعتمـاد القرار الخـاص حول مكتـب المفوض الســــامي للأمم المتحـدة لشـــؤون اللاجئين والذي يقر الاتفاق العالمي بشـــأن اللاجئين كما ورد في .(A/RES/73/151) 2018 الجزء الثاني( في 17 ديسمبر) A/73/12
Recurso Global Compact on Refugees The global compact on refugees intends to provide a basis for predictable and equitable burden-and responsibility-sharing among all United Nations Member States, together with other relevant stakeholders as appropriate. It represents the political will and ambition of the international community as a whole for strengthened cooperation and solidarity with refugees and affected host countries.
Recurso The Politics of Education in Iraq: The Influence of Territorial Dispute and Ethno-Politics on School in Kirkuk The Iraqi Disputed Territories consist of 15 districts stretching across four northern governorates from the Syrian to Iranian borders. The oil-rich Iraqi governorate of Kirkuk lies at the heart of this dispute and reflects the country’s ethnic and religious diversity. This paper explores the influence of these conflicts and contests on education in the city of Kirkuk.
Recurso Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises The European Commission's 'Communication to the European Parliament and the Council on Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises' outlines its strategy and policies for integrating EIE into its broader humanitarian and development response.
Recurso Djibouti Declaration on Refugee Education The declaration states the commitments of member states to implement and develop quality educational standards and inclusion in their national legal framework and educational system.