Recurso Guidance Note 3: Home support This guidance is part of a series to support you during the Covid-19 crisis.
Recurso Note d'orientation 3 : Soutien a domicile Cette note fait partie d'une série destinée à vous accompagner pendant la crise de Covid- 19.
Evento Inclusive Education during COVID-19 The sixth webinar of the series will focus on ensuring inclusive education approaches during COVID-19.
Evento Gender and Education during COVID-19 The eighth webinar of the series will focus on addressing gender equity in education in emergencies during COVID-19.
Recurso Inclusive Education sector guiding note on COVID-19 The closure of schools not only disrupts education, but also access to food programmes, social support, personal assistance or medical care, often accessed through schools. Children are at increased risk of child protection issues without the protective and social environment of a school, and linked services.
Recurso Note d’orientation du secteur de l’éducation inclusive sur le COVID 19 La fermeture des écoles perturbe non seulement l'apprentissage des élèves, mais aussi l'accès aux programmes alimentaires, au soutien social, à l'assistance personnelle ou aux soins médicaux, souvent accessibles par l'intermédiaire des écoles.
Recurso COVID-19: How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, and children, persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees, migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree of socio-economic marginalization. Marginalized people become even more vulnerable in emergencies.
Recurso Covid-19 pandemic: key messages for advocacy This document provides HelpAge International staff, network members and partners with key messages to advocate for the effective inclusion of older people in preparedness planning and ongoing responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Recurso Language Solutions for Education in Emergencies This webinar, hosted by INEE and Translators without Borders (TWB), discussed language solutions for education in emergencies. Making materials accessible and easy to understand is vital in education in emergencies. This applies to teacher training materials, community engagement campaigns, field guides for humanitarian workers, classroom materials, and much more
Evento Language solutions for education in emergencies We are pleased to invite you to join us for an informational and practical webinar about language solutions for education in emergencies. This webinar will be conducted in English, and is available in two different time slots (October 16th and 18th); choose the one that works best for you.