
Using Data to Plan for Crises

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
19 Septiembre 2024 ()
Research and Evidence

[Webinar] Using Data to Plan for Crises 

Webinar Recording and Presentation


This is the second in a series of VCIES EiE Data webinars hosted by INEE. This series shares CIES panels adapted to virtual webinars on: 

Natural hazards and conflicts can have a devastating impact on the economic and social development of a country. Many countries, particularly in protracted crises, face multiple risks at once (e.g., insecurity, natural hazards, health risks including pandemics, etc.), which are mutually reinforcing and, together, affect educational planning, management, and service delivery. The critical lack of data in crises, or the plethora of data that are inconsistent and do not reflect education, hamper planning and implementation of education service delivery and can make it difficult for governments and their partners to advocate for funding and effective coordination. Most importantly, capacities to consolidate and analyze data and information sources need to be in place. 

During this webinar individuals from FHI 360, IDMC, UNESCO IIEP, and NORRAG will present examples of the use of data to plan for continuous provision of education in crisis settings.