
ECCN Closing Event: Looking Back and Forward

Education in Crisis & Conflict Network (ECCN)
2 Enero 2025 ()
U.S. Institute of Peace, 2301 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037
Education for Peacebuilding

Please join us to celebrate five years of community building, tool development and learning with the Education in Crisis and Conflict Network!

Over the past five years, the USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (ECCN) has been dedicated to increasing equitable access to education in some of the world’s most challenging contexts. The resulting community of practice has become a valued and worthy forum for knowledge sharing, content creation, and collaborative learning. Please join us to celebrate international community building and ECCN’s rich body of work as we continue our shared commitment to advancing education in crises and conflict.

Participate in substantive discussions and hear from panelists representing USAID and development partners on emerging policy and programming priorities related to education in crisis and conflict. In the afternoon, take part in interactive roundtable discussions to explore the ground-breaking resources, tools, and topics advanced through ECCN, including the RERA, Accelerated Education, and Resilience. Newly released toolkits, white papers and technical guidance will be unveiled and discussed.

Please RSVP by September 20, as we have a waitlist. We hope to see you there!