Gender Equality Study in Education in the West Bank and Gaza

In order to ensure that children with disability of both genders enjoy their right to education and to gender equality, it is of high interest to understand how gender and disability interplay to restrict or limit the right to inclusive and gender transformative education. In this sense, the reasons behind the drop out of girls and boys with disability or the fact that they have never attended school have been assessed in this study, which implies to capture all factors at play, including those that end up marginalizing girls with disability because they are girls who have one or several difficulties 

The present research has analyzed policy, institutional, financial and cultural barriers at play for girls and boys with disability and without disability. Primary sources were collected through 64 surveys and 15 in-depth interviews with parents of children with and without disability in Bethlehem Governorate and the three governorates of Gaza Strip. Moreover, the qualitative data were collected in semi-structured interviews and focus groups with key informants from Education and Protection clusters, educational and CBR staff and community members from West Bank and Gaza 

Información sobre el recurso

Tipo de recurso



Publicado por

Humanity & Inclusion


Inclusive Education - Disability

Enfoque geográfico

occupied Palestinian territory