Learning and Wellbeing in Emergencies: Resource Kit
The ‘Learning & Wellbeing in Emergencies’ toolkit (LWiE) focuses on building and measuring early foundational literacy skills, alongside social emotional learning, in emergency contexts with a particular focus on community engagement as a key support for children. The toolkit contains components that include Introduction for proposal development and advocacy; Community Action for initial non-formal education or informal learning; Teacher Training to support teachers/facilitators; Learner Assessment tools, and a comprehensive Community Action component to support literacy and well-being in the immediate aftermath of a crisis. Education Specialists & Program Managers will find this toolkit most useful. Teachers will be able to use tools and curriculum to inform their classroom pedagogy and socio-emotional support to students. Once trained, the activities and resources can also be used by community members as part of a wider community-led engagement strategy. The toolkit should be used in conjunction with ISELA - Social Emotional Learning Assessment tool. It may also be used with the Numeracy Boost Toolkit. The International Rescue Committee’s Safe Healing and Learning Spaces toolkit also includes a number of activities for use by teachers in the classroom as well as for parents that would complement the LWiE Toolkit.