ECDiE Programming Library

The Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE) Programming Library is a compilation of resources to support local-level implementers, service providers, and humanitarian workers in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of quality, multi-sectoral, inclusive ECDiE interventions. More information on the library is available here.


147 Results found


1 January 2021 Manual/Handbook/Guide Save the Children

Parenting on the Move

Parenting on the Move (PoM) has been developed with the objective to support parents in situations of migration/refugeehood to provide the conditions for well-being, resilience, and education of children of kindergarten and school age. PoM provides psychosocial support, education, and entertainment; it encourages family cohesion and intercultural exchange.

1 August 2017 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF Programme Guidance for Early Childhood Development

This guidance identifies evidence-based multisectoral intervention packages, programmatic delivery platforms, contributions to sector goals, implementation strategies and organisational arrangements needed to advance the ECD agenda according to the needs and the situation at regional and country levels.

5 July 2021 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

IASC Guidance on Strengthening Participation, Representation and Leadership of Local and National Actors in IASC Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms

This guidance note has been developed to support efforts to strengthen the meaningful participation, representation, and leadership of local and national humanitarian actors (L/NAs) within IASC humanitarian coordination structures.

1 October 2017 Manual/Handbook/Guide

Infant and young child feeding in emergencies: Operational guidance for emergency relief staff and programme managers

The OG-IFE was introduced in 1999 to outline evidence-based actions to safeguard the health of infants and young children in emergencies. The OG-IFE is intended for policy-makers, decision-makers and programmers working in emergency preparedness and response, including governments, UN agencies, (I)NGOs, donors, volunteer groups and the private/business sector.