Resource Refugee Education: Five Years on from the Launch of the 2030 Refugee Education Strategy The 2024 UNHCR Refugee Education Report draws on data from more than 65 countries worldwide to provide the most detailed picture yet of the state of refugee education and enrolment. The report reflects on the 2030 Refugee Education Strategy (launched in 2019) and where notable progress has been made as well as areas where greater investment and enhanced collaboration are needed to meet the strategic objectives of the Strategy.
Resource Advancing inclusion, self-reliance, and solutions through education for refugees: A spotlight on Education at the GRF 2023 This document outlined areas for alignment with the global and national architecture, key issues for consideration, and concepts and approaches related to the pledge development process. The pledging framework encouraged stakeholders to align their commitments with host country policies, the Transforming Education Summit Calls to Action, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Blog Transition in INEE Leadership Dean Brooks will be leaving the role of INEE Director in September of this year. The INEE leadership team has begun the recruitment process for a new INEE Director to ensure a smooth transition. With the launch of the 2024 INEE Minimum Standards and the soon to be launched INEE Strategic Framework there are great things on the horizon for INEE.
Blog Transition dans la direction de l’INEE Dean Brooks quittera son poste de directeur de l'INEE en septembre de cette année. L'équipe de direction de l'INEE a entamé le processus de recrutement d'un nouveau directeur de l'INEE afin d'assurer une transition en douceur. Avec le lancement des Normes minimales de l'INEE de 2024 et prochainement le lancement du Cadre stratégique de l'INEE, de grandes choses se profilent à l'horizon pour l'INEE.
Blog Transición en el liderazgo de la INEE Dean Brooks dejará el cargo de Director de INEE en septiembre de este año. El equipo de liderazgo de la INEE ha comenzado el proceso de contratación para un nuevo Director de la INEE con el fin de asegurar una transición sin contratiempos. Con el lanzamiento de las Normas Mínimas de INEE 2024 y el próximo lanzamiento del Marco Estratégico de INEE, hay grandes cosas en el horizonte para INEE.
Blog Transição na liderança da INEE Dean Brooks deixará o cargo de Diretor da INEE em setembro deste ano. A equipe de liderança da INEE iniciou o processo de recrutamento de um/a novo/a Diretor/a da INEE para garantir uma transição tranquila. Com o lançamento dos Requisitos Mínimos da INEE para 2024 e do Quadro Estratégico da INEE, que será lançado em breve, há grandes perspectivas para a Rede.
Blog الانتقال في قيادة الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ يغادر دين بروكس منصبه كمدير للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ (الآيني) في سبتمبر من هذا العام. بدأ فريق قيادة الشبكة عملية تعيين مدير جديد لضمان انتقال سلس. ومع إطلاق معايير الشبكة لعام 2024 والإطار الاستراتيجي الذي سيتم إطلاقه قريبًا، هناك معالم رئيسية تلوح في الأفق للشبكة
Resource SDG 4 Scorecard Progress Report on National Benchmarks: Focus on Teachers Setting SDG 4 benchmarks is a novel process. It has involved countries specifying their contribution to the achievement of the global targets based on their national plans and policies. This report focuses on the benchmark indicator on qualified and trained teachers. Globally
Resource Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) data The UNESCO Institute for Statistics has released a new data browser for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) data. The browser allows users to view data and metadata from 2000 to 2023 in easy-to-navigate dashboards.
Resource African Education Research Database The AERD is a curated collection of research undertaken in the past decade by scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa. The database includes social science research with implications for educational policy and practice, understood in the context of the global priorities and targets expressed in SDG4.